The NFL and Domestic Violence

The NFL is entering the fifth week of its seventeen-week season and so far the season has been marked by controversy as multiple high-profile players have been arrested for or accused of various cases of domestic violence and child abuse. The list of players involved in the scandals includes players such the Baltimore Ravens’ Ray Rice and the Minnesota Vikings 2012 MVP Adrian Peterson. So far, the league has dealt with the controversy terribly, highlighted by originally suspending Ray Rice only two games after he knocked out his fiancée in a casino elevator. The NFL later made his suspension permanent, but only after a video of the assault was released to the public where it generated significant controversy.

Anheuser-Busch takes a stand against the NFLs treatment of domestic abuse

The negative publicity has yet to translate to significant consequences for the NFL, but it may not last long as multiple companies are decrying the NFL. Multiple companies have pulled their sponsorship of the Vikings and Ravens and have requested that their ads not be shown during the games. Anheuser-Busch, which currently has a $1.2 billion deal with the NFL, released a statement expressing concern. While these demonstrations of frustration may not make a serious monetary impact on the NFL in the long run, ideally they will lead the NFL to take a serious stance against domestic violence and abuse.


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