”If the United Nations was fully funded why would we need the Arc or social enterprise”?


If the UN was fully funded, I believe that Arc and Social Enterprise would still be necessary because the UN wouldn’t necessarily be able to help all those who need it.For example, even if the UN was fully funded, I don’t believe it would be efficient enough to help all of those in need, as it is difficult to get the 193 members of the UN to agree on an issue and to effectively organize a way to aid said issue.

Furthermore, while Arc has helped small groups of entrepreneurs in Rwanda, the UN would most likely not focus on helping this small subsection of people; instead it would focus on larger problems, such as the current Ebola outbreak in Africa.  In addition, Social Entrepreneurs tackle issues with the goal of increasing social value, through attempting such things as increasing the college enrollment rate of the poor in developed countries.  The UN, meanwhile, may be tackling issues such as hunger or disease, in less-developed countries, where the consequences of the problems is death.

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Upward Arc



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