Right to Property: A barrier to BC Hydro’s Site C Dam

Site C

A visualization of the proposed dam

First Nations groups are united against Site C, BC Hydro’s planned $8 billion hydroelectric dam. Although Site C has been argued to be the province’s “best bet for wrestling with the thorny issues of need and cost” in regards to energy, BC’s many first nations groups believe that the land is rightfully theirs and so oppose the project. The dam would flood 83 kilometers of the Peace River Valley, destroying land used by many First Nations peoples and “[impairing] their rights to fish, hunt and use the area for ceremonial purposes.”

Connecting this to Porters five forces, this represents a barrier to entry. More specifically it is the government deterring entry as the BC government supports the First Nations Groups right to the land, thus impeding BC Hydro’s ability to create the dam and thus gain more influence in the energy market in BC.


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