The Me to We foundation: the mother of social change

Me to We Artisans has recently announced in their blog that they have employed over 800 mamas through their initiative to help struggling Maasai mothers in Kenya. This organization provides mamas in third world countries the opportunity to earn fair wages for their handcrafted traditional beadwork by having their goods sold through the organization rather than at small competitive markets for horribly low prices. With the steady income that the mamas earn, they are able to provide an education for their children, buy food, clothing and medicine, and improve the quality of their homes.

The Me to We foundation is a perfect example of a social enterprise that improves the world by educating, inspiring and guiding consumers to be more conscious of their impact on society as they go through their day-to-day activities. It offers consumers socially-conscious choices through its sweatshop-free, organic, environmentally-friendly clothing and the authentic accessories made by the mamas. Half of its profits are given to its charity partner, Free The Children, while the other half is reinvested. Social enterprises such as Me to We take corporate social responsibility one step further by making social change, rather than profits, their primary objective, and merely using the latter as a tool to achieve those goals.

Support Me to We Artisans by purchasing an accessory today! Browse their fall collection here.

2 thoughts on “The Me to We foundation: the mother of social change

  1. Very concise writing with subtle descriptions that provide context into this article. Excellently written, unexaggerated and very informative.

  2. It is great to see organizations who take it a step further and not just provide aid to people in need, but teach them as well.

    Really liked the consiceness of the article as well as the highlights on the impactful changes that it is making.

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