About Our Project

Our team chose Coca-Cola Company for our group project through voting on our first meeting. Honestly, before I started my research, my knowledge of Coca-Cola only including it is a big company and they sell carbonated beverage. But during the research, I found that Coca-Cola has 127years history; more than 3500 product worldwide and very strong communication with the public. I have to say I purchased more Coke then usually after I done this project. And also this project help me understood how use the SWOT, CDSTEP and STP to analyze a company’s current situation and to make marketing recommendations as to what they could potentially do in the future.

The third assignment was the most interesting one among these three. We adopted Julia’s idea of video to filming in the white board. We had a lot of fun and laughed a lot during the filming. Jeffery is responsible for the edit and he did a really great job! I liked to using video for my final presentation in marketing class. And I believed that video project gave me an opportunity to develop important business skills that I would not have learned from delivering presentation, like how to present in front of client by a creative way; how to choose the idea of filming by analysis the current situation and how to realize it step by step.

Actually, this project is the first team work I had done after I got into UBC; I was so worried about whom my teammates are and how to work with them. But I’m so glad that I was in such a great team. Each teammate is easy-going, hard-working and willing to listen to each other. Everyone made a great effort.

New Google Ad will make you cry, without understanding a word that is said

New Google Ad will make you cay, without understanding a word that is said.


 I remember someone said “you know you have a good spot if you can turn the sound off and still get the ad”.  Try that one time and see if it works because it’s very hard.

Here is a new Google ad where there is no English at all and yet the story is easy to follow.  If you want, you can turn on the Closed Captioning by hitting the tiny CC button at the bottom right of the video.  I watched it without understanding one word that was spoken and I was able to follow along.  And I cried.

The ad is beautifully shot, and feels more like a mini-movie than a TV Ad. Well, it is 3 minutes and 32 seconds.  They stay authentic to the culture, with great visuals, music and language.  The story is simple–about two friends who have not seen other since their childhoods.

The ad shows how much we rely on Google for looking up, finding, tracking or just checking any little thing that makes our lives just a little bit easier.  It captures our attention, getting millions of likes already as its being passed around social media networks like Facebook and Twitter.  It involves the brand throughout without too much branding.  The tears generated at the end makes you want to pass it on, so they can experience what you just did.  Well done!



Re Julia Amelio on “The Power in Devoted Consumers”

Re Julia Amelio on The Power in Devoted Consumers

       As Julia Amelio mentions in her blog, she told her friends she is living above that Great Dane coffee shop, and almost everyone she told said, “Their coffee is so good!” It was at this moment that she realized the power in word of mouth marketing. After hearing her friends say they liked the coffee, she felt more compelled to go and check it out. Actually I had same experience with Julia, when I asked my friend does she know a good catch can help me pass the class five driving exam, she told me that catch Cheung has 20 years teach experience and almost no student failed on the exam. After I took few classes from catch Cheung I passed the exam with flying colors. Since then I recommend catch Cheung to everyone who need a drive catch, and they all give me a good feedback.

       Mckee told us that the most Great Dane has ever done in terms of marketing has been a couple of signs posted around campus. He explained that they rely heavily on word of mouth marketing and it seems to be working for him; and same with catch Cheung, he already fully booked everyday without any advertise. Since these we all realized the power in word of mouth marketing lies at the core of every strong personal relationship – the same goes for relationships stakeholders have with brands. The driving force behind consumers’ desire to share positive stories about organizations is the trust they have in the products, services and people associated with those entities. Great Dane and catch Cheung seems to have a devoted customer base that expands due to the fact that their great product and customer service.

What influenced my decision?

What influenced my decision?


I was pretty sure that my favorite soft drink is Coke, no doubt. However, when I was asked to do a simulation marketing research of three different soft drinks, I was shocked.

The game played in this way: three cups of drinks were offered in front of me, the same cup, the same color, and the same smell (actually no smell ^-^), I tried them one by one. Once I finished one, I was asked how it tastes and what makes it special, sweetness, palate, or aftertaste?

The first one is nice on the sweetness, just right palate, and good aftertaste; the second one is a little bit sweeter, palate is so-so, and the aftertaste is not so good; the last one is also sweeter, nothing special on palate and aftertaste. Finally, I chosen the first one,which is Pepsi…

Why? What makes it happen? Maybe at the very beginning, I chose Coke just because most of my friends like it, or I like its packaging (I like red rather than blue), or even just because it showed up earlier than Pepsi, so I thought it’s more“traditional”?

Actually, when we make a decision, we are all affected by brand expectations, packaging and the environment. So, it’s necessary to think deeper. What is the target market of a special product? What do they like best? What’s the main factor to force them to make a decision? And these are what the marketing research will do.

Cross-Marketing between Samsung and Lorde


This is not the first time advertisement and singer brought together for a cross-marketing push promoting; the headline of yesterday in ADWEEK website is “The latest Samsung ‘Design Your Life’ commercial from Leo Burnett” The Samsung brings together one huge up-and-coming talent and one firmly established one for its new global “Design Your Life” spot from Leo Burnett in Chicago, advertising the Galaxy Note 3 and Galaxy Gear.( ad-day-lordes-song-royals-makes-ad-debut-samsung-galaxy-note-3-153008“samsung”     lorde

This ad directed by Furlined’s Adam Hashemi, the spot tells the story of a mysterious character that arrives in a blighted city setting and uses his Galaxy Note 3 tablet and Galaxy Gear smart watch to set in motion an at-first-cryptic urban development project.

The youth of the city follow the man through the deserted streets, each taking turns singing the Lorde song—a version that’s pretty faithful to the original, despite the different voices. Eventually, there’s a scene of complete destruction, followed by utter renewal—as the mystery man turns out to be the world’s most famous soccer player, Lionel Messi.

Cross-marketing is a way to integrate the resources like time, money, ideas, human resource, activities or presentation space for any business to reach more potential customers. Cross-marketing strategies are most effective when woven into a partnership where both parties benefit from the marriage. In this ad, Lorde’s new song helps to promote the new product of Samsung and, in turn, Samsung helps Lorde by introduce her song to more people. Everybody wins. Cross-marketing has become an important element of cooperation, it is not just for large enterprises, as long as have certain conditions, businesses of all sizes can be carried out within a certain range cross-marketing to help enterprises in the fierce market competition; excitation more people shopping motivations; more frequent exposure to more potential customers; building trust with customers and communities.

Marketing ethics in China

In September 2012, Chinese media reported several makers of antibiotics in China used gutter oil — re-purposed oil salvaged from restaurant waste, gutters, drains and animal fat — in their products instead of more expensive soybean oil. Chinese suppliers have been involved in several high-profile scandals over the past five years involving food and health safety — including the tainting of infant formula, milk products and pet food with various unsavory chemical products not meant for human or animal for consumption. To investigate  this kind of marketing ethics problem, people should not only focus on the factors of enterprise, but also should relate to marketing environment characteristics during the economic transition period of China.

Enterprise One-sided seeks for profit maximization, but did not meet the requirements of the marketing ethics. Now china is in the market economy transformation period, the immature market economy environment, lead to some enterprises excessive short-term behavior and speculation. Some people mistakenly believe that market economy means “amoral”, “cheating”, didn’t realize that the essence of market economy is credit economy, is established on the basis of moral and ethics.

The asymmetry information leads to the lack of marketing ethics. The rapid development of modern science and technology create many potential demands of consumers that are unnecessary. Consumers tend to passively accept the information and the general consumer is hard to evaluate the quality of the high-tech products, the cost of consumer search and evaluates products go up.

Imperfect legal system gives rise to low cost of illegal business behaviors. In a series of food safety incidents in recent years, as we can see perfect the food safety law is imminently. On account of the law is imperfect; the strength of government supervise and punishment to amoral marketing behaviors is not enough tolerate the unethical behavior.