Gender Equality

The article, “Watch Emma Watson Deliver a Game-Changing Speech on Feminism for the U.N,” discusses Emma’s inspiring and remarkable speech about feminism and equality that took place at the U.N headquarters in New York. Her speech talks about her campaign “HeForShe,” which advocates ending inequality for both men and women.

Emma Watson Gender Equality-Video

When looking back into history and the events that have occurred to progress women equality, the improvement is remarkable but still not complete.  In 1916 a lady by the name of Emily Murphy, became the first female magistrate in Canada and in the British Empire.  Emily Murphy was a Canadian women’s right activist who fought for change. In order to create a world where all men and women are equal, people need to become more aware of the issues that are present today and stand up for the right beliefs, which is what both Emily Murphy and Emma Watson have done. I believe that this speech will cause a ripple effect, meaning that more people will get involved with Emma’s campaign and work to equalize men and women. In order to make a change, it only takes one person and in this case it is Emma Watson sanding up for what she believes in and what is truly right.



Emily Murphy- Women’s suffragist [1]

Gender equality becomes a very important issue when looking at business ethics. Treating both men and women equally in the workplace is crucial when striving to become a well-recognized and influential company. I think that Emma Watson has made a global difference in striving to create gender equality both in the business world and in the overall society.

Rebuilding Lululemon

Lululemon has been trying to rebuild its reputation ever since the founder, Chip Wilson had an interview stating, “Some women’s bodies aren’t fit for Luluemon.” Ashley Anderson ( touched on Lululemon’s issues last year discussing Lululemon’s setbacks.

The article “Lululemon feels the heat in the competitive ‘athleisure’ market,” discusses the company’s competitor, Under Armour, who just released a video of supermodel Gisele Bundchen, showing her kickboxing skills marketed specifically for women.   Lululemon has spent its year patching the damages made by its founder, Chip Wilson and now they’re facing new problems; keeping up with their competitors. Throughout Lululemon’s set backs, other athletic wear companies are continuing to push ahead and create new lines for women’s athletics. I think that the company struggled with a huge marketing set back last year when dealing with the poor quality yoga pants, but I think that it’s overall reputation and desire for the clothing was what caused the company to bounce back quickly. Lululemon needs to focus on its quality of clothing in order to properly rebuild its company. If they want to continue to charge high prices for their clothing they have to ensure that their product is better then any other competitor.


Perception is Everything

The Article “How a rookie can start off their career right,” talks about how each year a new class of the National Basketball Association gather for a four-day orientation called the Rookie Transition Program. Throughout the program different topics are discussed such as “How to be a professional, how to make the most of every opportunity through preparation, how to manage your money and how to manage your reputation.” This article relates to any first year, including business students in the sense that although were not future NBA stars, we have to represent ourselves the same way discussed throughout the article. As a rookie in any sport, school, profession, or in an activity, people have to decide whom they want to be perceived as. This also includes how you represent yourself through social media as a positive person.  Making a mistake in today’s society can result in huge consequences because social media is often involved, meaning anyone can see what happened.   A mistake that a person posts on social media could jeopardize ones academics, athletics and profession. This relates to how people have to act in a business environment, not only do they have to represent themselves in a positive, important way but also represent their business or corporation with high importance and responsibility.

Andrew Wiggins takes part in the NBA Rookie Transition Program this summer in New Jersey. (Steven Freeman/Courtesy of the NBA)Andrew Wiggins at the NBA Rookie Transition Program.

Experiment on Business Ethics

Business Ethics is the study of proper business policies incorporating trust and practices relating to potential controversial issues, such as corporate governance, insider trading, and discrimination.  In the article linked below, “In Life and Business Learning to Be Ethical”, it discusses an experiment that took place at Northeastern University, where subjects were told to flip a coin to see if they would be left with a fun, quick job or a long, dirty job.   The subject flips the coin in a private room where a secret video camera is being recorded. Only ten percent of the students that participated did it honestly. The study suggests that people in the work place lack a moral code and telling someone to be more ethical may not change this. People’s ethics switch in the workplace when a high authority is in the room compared to when they are left alone in a room. Figuring out whether someone has been ethically correct throughout their business career is very difficult, and more stories are continually being shared about different ethical principles that have been diminished in the workplace.

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