it's better to say too much

002. Where to live, where not to live? That is the question.

“Take me by the hand, take me somewhere new.”

I got my housing assignment back in late July and I’m proud (after a couple hours of initial disappointment that day) to say I’ll be living in Place Vanier, Okanagan House. At first I really wanted to be in Totem Park. It just seemed to be where all the cool kids were. I figured that’s where I belonged. (No offence to Vanier, it’s probably a really rocking place, or it will be after I arrive.)

So when I got Vanier, it’s safe to say I wasn’t feeling so hot about it. I mean, I got a single room and that in itself was a good thing, but no Totem? I felt gipped. For another few hours at least. I tend to get over things pretty easily. I thought about all the good things I’d heard about Vanier (not that Totem doesn’t rock too) and I figured, “I got what I got for a reason. Now make the best of it.”

Now I’ve decided to stick with it, enjoy it and be so grateful that I have a place to stay. I can’t believe I was complaining when there are people who have no where to stay at all. Well, kids, I’m here to show you just how awesome, cool and nerdy Place Vanier can be, and why it’ll be THE place to be in 2011-2012. Oh yeah! Peace, darlings.


1 andrea { 08.22.10 at 7:09 pm }

Vanier looks wonderful! It’s right by the beach which is pretty nice (even though the 1000 steps down there are killer!). But please feel free to stop by Totem Park for a visit! 🙂 I’ll be in Nootka House, second floor. Can’t wait to meet you, Krystal!

2 krystalv { 08.25.10 at 11:12 am }

I’m glad! Haha, yay, I’ve got all my exercise for the year figured out. 😛
PS: I definitely will! On move-in day, for sure. I can’t wait to meet you too!

3 Valentina { 08.30.10 at 7:23 am }

I’m glad you’re looking forward (or at least a little bit) to Vanier!
I lived there last year and it really lots of fun, too much sometimes ! You’ll have a great time for sure :).

Welcome to the blogsquad!

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