it's better to say too much

013. Good vibes, from here.

The past four days have been the most hectic and rewarding of my life:

Thursday, 4:30pm: Storm Rogers Arena (a.k.a GM Place) with 279 other crowd pumpers for We Day. Practice the We Day dance multiple times and stare in awe at an empty bowl that would be filled with about 18 000 cheering students in less than 18 hours.

11pm: Paint my nails with glow-in-the-dark nail polish so that I’m fully ready to rock We Day.

Friday, 4:00am: My alarm goes off after only three hours of sleep (I was that stoked). I ended up hitting the snooze button until 4:30, and raced around (as quietly as possible) to get ready. I left Vanier decked out in spandex and headed toward the bus loop. After 15 minutes, I am joined by a crazy amount of other spandex-clad crowd pumpers. We dominated that bus.

6:30am: Arrive at Rogers Arena, jittery and ready to be as crazy, and enthusiastic as possible.

9:30am: I probably scared a couple dozen people with my excitement as We Day begins. What can I say? I take my job seriously.

10am – 2:30pm: A fantastic blur of inspiring speakers and performers. From Craig and Marc Kielburger, to Martin Sheen, Rick Hansen and Jesse Jackson. And of course, singing along at the top of my lungs while Barenaked Ladies perform “If I Had a Million Dollars”.

3:30pm: Two other crowd pumpers and I head to Pacific Centre in search of pants. A very long story, but in the end, pants were found. We raced back to Rogers Arena just in time to take our seats as the stage audience for the taping of Shameless Idealists.

5:30ish-9:20ish: Craig interviews Al Gore, Martin Sheen and Jesse Jackson. I nearly pee my pants from excitement. Some where in there, I get to shake Martin Sheen’s hand.

9:30ish: Reverend Jesse Jackson gives me the biggest hug of life. No big deal, just the best day of my life. I pretty much died on the inside like a crazy, idealistic fangirl. I called my mother in Ontario (bad idea, it was past midnight) to share my news. She was pretty stoked, even though I woke her up.  (Thanks, Madre for putting up with me.)

11:30pm -4am: Make it back to rez, chill with my floor, share my We Day good vibes, and stay up for 24 hours. The first, and the last time I will ever do so.

Saturday, 1:30pm: I finally wake up. Grab breakfast and bum around, totally not doing my essay due on Monday. Around 6:30pm, I decide to go to Mongolian Grill off of Broadway and Cambie. Good eats and good times, but no homework was done that day.

Sunday, 10:30am-11:30pm: I re-watch We Day clips of Jesse Jackson and Martin Sheen. I do finally get around to doing homework, I’m not that much of a bad student. I holed myself up in a friend’s room and didn’t come out until our “campfire” with our sister house (whaddup Caribou!). I went back to edit my essay and as a celebration of finally being done, I lurked people on Facebook with my floormates. It was awesome.

And that my dear friends, was the best weekend of my life. Hands down. I hope all y’all had amazing weekends too, and continue to have a stellar week. I’m sending you good vibes, always!


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