it's better to say too much

024. The post in which I talk about courses

In true Krystal fashion, I’ve waited until the last possible minute to blog about my first, fabulous term at UBC.  There are a few things that I wish I did differently, academically, but either way, I ended my first term of university pretty content. Here’s the lowdown:

ARTS ONE: It’s not over, no, but I’m halfway there! If there was one thing I wish I did differently, it was taking Arts One. Not because the program itself has any problems, but because it took up 6 other courses I could have done. I love writing, and I love reading. I like philosophy and literature and history, but I signed up for Arts One not knowing what I wanted to do. I have a better idea now. I don’t regret taking it, because when I survive it in April, it will have changed my university experience. Who knows what my term could have been like? And I have made the most awesome friends ever in my seminar. So really, no regrets.

My professor is amazing, really. I like going to her seminars and she’s really intelligent. Her grading baffles me sometimes, but I’m determined to not let it rattle me. Some of the books are classics, some I’ve read before, others I haven’t. But the lectures are almost entirely pointless, and the profs can be a little dry.  There’s almost no point in going to them, but I do, because, well…I’m me and I can’t not go to class.

I don’t have a final result for this program, but of what has been marked so far, I’m doing pretty well.

PSYCHOLOGY 100: My second favourite course. My professor is still rad, and the content is still interesting. My grades have been pretty decent, some blips that I am disappointed about, but it’s a full year course so I’m not too worried. One thing is true about students who take even one psychology course: you start to notice and apply all the information you’re learning. It’s pretty cool. Other than that, I don’t really know what else to say about this, so, moving on.

WOMEN’S STUDIES 101: THE BEST COURSE EVER. Although, I’m sure there will be more. This course blew my mind. Continually. Every book we read, every lecture, and discussion opened my eyes and my mind to completely new concepts. I see the world differently now and the people I interact with. I don’t know if everyone took away the same message or perspective, but this course is what I was expecting from university. I wrote my first 10 page term paper in this class, and I kicked butt. I worked the hardest in this class. My final grade was awesome too, so that’s a bonus.

And that my friends, is my first term course overview and I hope I provided some sort of perspective or something.  Continue having an amazing break, and I’ll try to get one or two more posts in before the New Year. Peace!

1 comment

1 Miriam { 12.27.10 at 9:50 pm }

If your prof is Hendricks, ask her to fuse some feminist perspective into the readings of your books, I think she has some background in it 😉

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