027. Pass go. Collect $200 and a degree. Now where do I go?
It might be a little early to be choosing a career to pursue after I graduate, seeing as I’m barely even finished my first year of university, but I don’t think it’s too early to be thinking about it. Next Thursday, January 27th, I’ll be attending the Arts Career Expo to gain a little perspective on how to make my BA work for me. I’m actually really stoked about it because I think I’ve decided what my degree will look like (I’m thinking something along the lines of majoring in Psychology). Still, once I graduate, where the heck do I go from there? I want to work with at-risk youth, leadership development and maybe something to do with global issues such as sustainable development, but I have no concrete plans of what to actually do with this fabulous, Krystal-tailored degree.
So, I’m attending this fancy pants Career Expo. I get to listen to the Dean of Arts Dr. Gage Averill introduce the night and then listen to two panels discuss career topics related to my specific interests. I’ve decided to attend Careers in Community: Careers in the Non-profit Sector and Choose to shmooze: ACE-ing the Art of Networking. I’m really excited about the first one because I know I want to work within the non-profit, but I have no idea exactly what I want to do. Plus, I’ve never really networked before and as I’m learning, it’s not just for those corporate-esque Sauder kids. So wish me luck trying to get all those business cards. Does this mean I have to start making my own? Anyway, I may not have my career hand picked for me by any of the panelists, but hopefully I can get some great insight into what I can do in the future. Heck, what I can even do now.So many questions, and hopefully after Arts Career Expo, I’ll have some of the answers.
Oh, and if you are an Arts student, whether you’re first year like moi, or entering in your 5th year or whatever, come on out. Mix and mingle and figure out what to do with your shiny Bachelor of Arts. If you want to register, just hit up the Arts Career Expo website here. Hope to see you there!
Stay tuned for post-ACE awesomeness next week.
1 nicolea { 01.20.11 at 1:18 am }
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH Of course I’m going to Careers in the Community too. As well, I was about an inch away from choosing the networking workshop as well. Except, in Arts Tri-Ment we’ve been doing a lot of networking I thought I’d try something else but every time I talk to you I love the fact that we basically have the same genius mind.
2 Tyler { 01.26.11 at 7:58 pm }
I’m coming to ACE too XD Even though I ain’t an Arts student 😉
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