it's better to say too much

Category — First Year

020. Well hello there, December

So today marks the first day that all us Christmas celebrators can eat the first chocolate from our advent calendars. For me, (since I’m not the biggest chocolate fan), I get to blast Christmas tunes, drink egg nog, start my Christmas shopping and spread ridiculous amounts of holiday cheer.

But for others it’s the first day of Hanukkah! Which I celebrated with my awesome friend Arielle. My first Hanukkah celebration. I’m super stoked, not gonna lie.

Anyway, I just wanted to give a quick shout out. Have an amazing beginning of your December!

December 1, 2010   No Comments

019. “Oh the places you’ll go”

With the crazy, amazing opportunities I’ve had lately, and the wicked awesome people I’ve met, I can’t help but think about what I’m thankful for, and why I am constantly grateful. So now it’s time to get a little personal:

I am most thankful for my education, for my ability to learn, be taught and to teach. I don’t quite know where I’d be if I did not have as many opportunities to learn as I have, as I continue to have. And I don’t just mean formal education (I’ve been through elementary, middle and high school, and now I’m attending a wonderful post-secondary school), but the things I have learned outside of the classroom. Reading has always been a major part of my life, and I know it always will be. The ability to get inside of a good book and get lost is irreplaceable. A good book is a stranger and a friend all at the same time. A story that may or may not be familiar to you, but somehow you feel connected as if you’ve read it a million times. I don’t know where I’d be if reading wasn’t a part of my life. Proud bookworm ’till the end.

My heart overflows with gratitude when I think of sacrifices, especially the ones my parents have made. We’ve had our problems, our differences and arguments, but no matter what I know they are there for me. They supported me and continue to support me 100%. It doesn’t matter if my decision is not one they would make, whether it seems to be infeasible and unrealistic, they support me. When I wanted to leave the pre-International Baccalaureate program, they supported me, even if it meant giving up an opportunity to have a “better” education. When I decided I was going to pursue a $17 000 semester trip, they supported me. They were there when I failed, and lifted me up when I most needed it. When I decided to apply for a university on the other side of the country, they were sad, but they encouraged me. They have given up hours of their time and money to be there for me. The sacrifices they’ve made have helped to bring me to where I am now. Their sacrifices will continue to motivate and inspire me toward the life I know I am meant to live.

The things I see, the people I meet, the lives I intend to touch, will only be possible through their love.

And with that, I hope you all find something to be grateful for this week. Have an epic last week of classes, m’dears.

November 30, 2010   No Comments

018. Soulful Vibes

A little Bill Withers to get you through the night/day. Beware, it’ll get stuck in your head. But you’ll enjoy it, don’t worry.

YouTube Preview Image

November 11, 2010   No Comments

017. Let’s talk about sex

Well, not with me. But all you Vanierians can tomorrow night with your advisors in the ballroom, 8pm sharp. It should be incredibly hilarious and informational. If you want a laugh, ask an anonymous question or just simply listen and learn, then I would advise you all to come to Sex with Your Advisors. It just might make your night.

November 3, 2010   No Comments

016. Happy (Post) Halloween!

We be trollz.

I would have posted this early, but alas, it was not posted to Facebook until today.

November 1, 2010   No Comments