it's better to say too much

Category — First Year

010. Classes and other cool academic stuff!

Time flies by when you’re having fun! Another week at school has come and gone, and I’m officially into the swing of things school-wise. Classes are going great (for now) and I’m actually slightly managing my time. I figured like many bloggers before me, I’d do  a run down of my impressions of my first term classes. Arts One is going pretty good. I just got back my first graded paper. Not bad for a first attempt, but of course, there is always room for improvement. My professor is amazing, the theme I chose is interesting and all the kids in my seminar seem super intelligent/cool. My Women’s Studies course is blowing my mind. Seriously. The topics we discuss and the things that I learn makes me think about everything around me so much. Everything from Aboriginal peoples and sexual violence, to first and second wave feminism; the stuff in this course is really heavy. Finally, my intro Psychology course is so interesting. I’m really glad I decided to choose my classes based on the professors and not the times because I ended up with a super cool prof. She’s hilarious and actually engages everyone in what we’re learning. I have my first midterm on Wednesday (wish me luck!), so we’ll see how it goes and if I’m cut out for this university thing.

Otherwise, things are going pretty swell. I’ve been getting involved as much as possible in rez and on/off campus. I love being involved, not only for the community feel that I get out of it, and the people I get to meet, but I also feel like I’m really contributing to something. I would definitely say that getting involved is the way to go. My high school experience was 10x better because of it, and I’m sure university will be 100x better (because as we know, everything that happens in university is 10x what happens in high school).

Things are pretty hectic still, and I’m yet to find an actual routine, but when I do the blog posts will definitely be coming a lot quicker than they have been. There are so many things that I could/should blog about, but life seems to be getting in the way. Anyway, I should get back to my piles and piles of reading (seriously, there is so much!) but I shall be back. Stay cool and make good choices y’all. Until next time…

September 26, 2010   3 Comments

009. The post in which I declare my love

I’m taking the time to do a much needed shout out to one of my bestest and greatest friends “evar”. My friend Naomi from back in Brampton is celebrating her 18th birthday today. I have not yet felt super homesick, but when I think about the fact that I won’t be around to celebrate another year of her life with the Quad (me, Naomi, Aisha and Steph, whaddup darlings?!), makes me feel so far away. Holding on to connections from home is so incredibly important. It keeps you in tune with all the happenings back home, even when you can’t physically be there. This is my advice to those so very far away from home: make the effort! Whether it’s a random text, an email or skyping daily. Do what you can, when you can to hold onto the relationships and friendships that have helped shape who you are. So, what I really want to do is dedicate this blog to comedienne of the Quad, the sunshine on many-a-rainy day that is so common to Vancouver and someone I couldn’t imagine life without. So here’s to you Naomi. I can’t wait to celebrate your extremely belated birthday at Christmas. Love you and all the Quad.

The Quad looking glamourous at prom.

September 18, 2010   No Comments

008. The place to be

I should be attempting to do my Arts One readings and but I’m failing miserably.

Hello friends! My inability to actually understand anything that I’m reading and the nice doom and gloom feeling outside is not a good combination. I can’t concentrate, but I also don’t wanna go outside to go concentrate in the IBLC Harry Potter room (which I’ve heard is pretty darn cool). I’ve been at UBC for a week officially, and it’s starting to feel like home. I’m not quite feeling the back-to-actual-work vibe, but I think I’ll get around to it eventually.

Despite the unfamiliarity of so much rain (I kinda knew what I was getting into though), I don’t even feel that far away from Ontario. I don’t know if it just hasn’t hit me yet, or if the crazyness of my first week has numbed my feelings. Either way, I’m really liking it here. I was worried back in my first post that the excitement I felt pre-UBC would dwindle or that it wouldn’t live up to my expectations. Quite the opposite, in fact. I couldn’t feel like I belonged anymore than I do right now: sitting in my room, about to make some tea and attempt to make sense of dear old Immanuel Kant.

UBC is the place for me (I totally didn’t mean to awkwardly rhyme like Professor Stephen Toope and AMS Prez Bijan Ahmadian’s Imagine day speech). There is no other sentence that sums up my feelings like that one. Everything from move-in day at Vanier, rez activities, the school/faculty pride and spirit at Imagine day, going to horribly awkward frat parties (note to self: never again) or just having supa cool hallway-candy parties with the awesome girls on my floor. I’m just hoping that the feelings I have right now will either stay the same or evolve into even better ones.

Well, lovelies, it seems the Conjectural Beginning of Human History is calling my name. Later!

September 12, 2010   1 Comment

007. Books, books, books!

Sorry this is a little late!

Please note: This is a little more oriented to buying books for Arts One, although it can be applied to anyone.

Saving money during my years at university and trying to reduce the amount of debt that will burden me post-grad, I have looked extensively into ways to save and ways to earn. My university education is being financed by some OSAP, student line of credit, bursaries, a scholarship, hopefully a Work Study placement, my savings and my parental unit. My initial goal going into grade twelve was to graduate university with no debt, but I’ve knocked that goal down a few realistic notches and it now sits at: as little debt as possible.

One of the major purchases that I can actually do something about reducing (as tuition, mandatory student fees, housing and my meal plan, is TEXTBOOKS. The one thing that I didn’t really know what to expect. I’m taking Psychology 100, Women’s Studies 101 (term 1), French 123 (term 2) and the Arts One, Group A program for my first year. The pro and con to Arts One is that there  are quite a few books that I need. In an attempt to help other first years, and potential ones, and to also see for myself where the heck all my money went, I’m going to detail my textbook spending spree here. My journey begins…


September 9, 2010   1 Comment

006. “We’re not in Kansas anymore”

Sorry guys! I’ve been working on this post for a while but I had a weird bout of writer’s block. It’s all gone and I’m much better now. Anyway, I thought I’d just talk about my experience in rez so far for all those wondering what living in rez is like. Well, let me tell you the obvious: living in rez is definitely not like living at home. The bathroom isn’t nice and cozy with a spacious bathtub/shower. The rooms aren’t too big and the carpet could use some remodelling…but I wouldn’t trade it for anything right now.

Don’t get me wrong, I will totally miss my big bed and my squishy carpet, but my house in Ontario doesn’t come with about 19 awesome floormates. The pros outweight the cons, for sure. It’s been a crazy ride so far. What seems like weeks has actually only been three days. Time is on this weird schedule right now, it’s moving at a funky pace. The days kind of run together, and there isn’t much of a routine, but I’m having the time of my life. Of course, there is the inevitably sadness: teary goodbyes from mama and papa Valentine and time-zone dependent BBM convos with my best friends back home.

However, amongst all the semi-homesickness, the past two days have been stellar. So far I’ve: made a picture-heart (figure 1), re-arranged my furniture into an L-shape like my room at home, been down to Wreck Beach, twice (stay tuned for deets. Figure 2), been on countless trips downtown with my family, trying to enjoy their very limited presence and met the coolest people (shout out to second floor Okanagan!).

Figure 1

Wreck Beach

Now my Wreck Beach adventure was pretty hilarious. Walking down the stairs isn’t too bad, and once you get down the view is amazing! And of course Wreck is littered with people taking advantage of the clothing-optional aspect. It’s definitely a new experience and there isn’t really anything like it. The view is definitely worth the killer trek back up all those stairs. I’m not the most in shape person in the world, and my thighs were burning. And of course I decided to go back that night with some of the kids in my house. Twice in one day was almost enough to kill me. My calves are still feeling the burn. I figure though, that if I walk those stairs everyday, I’ll be so fit that no one will recognize me in December. I should definitely make that my goal.

Well, I should get some sleep. The infamous Imagine day awaits in just 7 hours and I need every moment of precious rest. I have a feeling tomorrow will be yet another adventure.

September 7, 2010   1 Comment