Category — Funnies
041. A new addition to my family
Say hello to my beautiful new plant named Pansy (because the flowers are in fact, pansies). She will take her place next to my beautiful, albeit dying orchid Lola (I’m trying to revive her, I swear!). Pansy came into my family through a random act of kindness from another small team of Advisors in Vanier. Actually, from the same house duo (Okanagan/Cariboo) that I lived in as a resident last year. I love that everyone who knows anything about me knows how much I love owls and giraffes. Pansy’s so beautiful and I’m so excited to have her join the Valentine famjam.
March 18, 2012 1 Comment
033. OK* GO
Yesterday morning I woke up at 6:30am after only a few dismal hours of sleep, and walked my butt to the Student Rec Centre (SRC) for 7:15am. Why? For Day of the Longboat, of course. I made a team with my friends from first year residence (OK*anagan 2nd, whadddup?!, doesn’t our team name make sense now? ), and our team captain wanted us there at 7:15am. I showed up with my friend Lisa at 7:16am….I thought we were late. Little did we know that we were the only ones that had even left their houses yet. My friends at Gage? Still at Gage. My friends at Fraser Hall (see Wesbrook Mall)? Still at Fraser. We were supposed to catch the 7:30am shuttle. Did we? No. The fact that we made it to our 8:20am run at Jericho Beach is by shear luck, I swear.
After missing our shuttle, most of us were ready to pack it in, call it a day and get breakfast. Instead we head to get the number 4, get on the 14 instead and head to Alma. By absolute divine luck, I’m sure, we get the community shuttle en route to Spanish Banks and make it into Jericho Beach five minutes, yes five minutes, before our start time. We were supposed to be there 35 minutes before. We all dash through registration, grab our paddles and life jackets and book it. Alas, we made it. And totally dominated!
With a run time of 13:55, the team that was ready to call it a day back at the SRC, came in first in their heat. Boo yaaahh! I definitely slept for six hours after, even waking up at one point thinking it was Sunday and I had missed our semi final. Total panic for a while there.
And so today we headed back to secure our championship. You would think that after yesterday’s transportation fiasco, we would get our act together and all be there on time. I mean, it was only at 11:40am, almost three hours after our run yesterday. Did we? Nope, not at all. This time, half my team was so late that the other teams were already getting into their boats and we were rushing through registration and were frantically grabbing paddles and lifejackets. We came in second, and it was onto finals, the last stretch to claiming our championship shirts. Well…we kind of failed epically and came in last in the finals.
Although we were not successful in taking home a championship shirt to brag and show off to all our friends, our last race was probably the most hilarious, body-numbing, and the best time we had for the entire event. In the end, victory wasn’t ours. But there’s always next year!
Hope everyone had a successful (however you define it), Day of the Longboat 2011!
October 2, 2011 1 Comment
022. Study break 101
December 5, 2010 No Comments
021. Epic adventures
I love discovering new parts of Vancouver, or revisiting places and experiencing something entirely new. For example:
Exhibit A: Stanley Park. My friend Kirsten and I decided to get off of campus right after class on Wednesday, since my last assignment was handed in that day (YES!). We got to see pretty trees, flowers and a wonderful memorial for fallen Air Force soldiers. This was all amazing of course, but nothing could prepare me for the awesome, cool Christmas Train! No word of a lie, it was one of the best things ever. There were totem poles, and polar bears, and little elves and snowmen. I felt like I was four years old again. I will always love Christmas, it’s wonderful and magical, and includes awesome beverages like hot chocolate. I also tried Blenz hot chocolate for the first time, and not being a big regular, milk chocolate fan myself, I got the Belgian white chocolate. So amazing. Seriously, I don’t lie about food. (Did you like my sneaky segue there?)
Exhibit B: The Naam. Tonight my dear friend Kirsten (do you see a theme here?) and I went to The Naam, a 24 hour, 7 days a week vegetarian restaurant. It is amazing. Hands down, the best. The Naam nachos are a crazy dance party in your mouth, they’re seriously that good. If you ever have a chance to go to The Naam on W 4th Ave, do it, do it, do it. You won’t regret it.
Coming up this weekend: thrift store shopping on Main St, Granville Island Market and the Christmas Train x 2. Hope everyone has a killer weekend, and studies hard for all their exams!
December 4, 2010 1 Comment
016. Happy (Post) Halloween!
November 1, 2010 No Comments