Blog Post #1

When I introduce myself to people I meet, I often have to go through a whole routine just to clarify where I am from. A simple answer would be “I’m from Bangkok, Thailand” but that rarely suffices. A follow up question often comes from them, in the form of a surprised expression and what sounds like a compliment: “you can speak English very well.” This “compliment” is what gets me to start my routine. I lived in Bangkok for almost 6 years and went to an international school but am originally Japanese American. I’ve so far lived in 4 countries (United States, Japan, Thailand and Canada), moving city to city every 5-6 years when I was growing up. I speak fluent Japanese and English.


As a 1st year university student starting school in a brand new country, I have gone through this introduction process countless amounts of times. It does get annoying at times, but I am getting used to it. This complex self-introduction made me realize the cultural mishmash I am in. In an increasingly globalizing world, this is a common sight. K-pop being a major hit across the Pacific Ocean, Shawarma stands opening up globally and even the well known California roll being invented right here in Vancouver.


In this first year Arts Studies course, I would like to know the effect of globalization and the interconnected nature of modern society on academic papers and writing styles. Globalization is often mentioned as having sociocultural and economic effects on the world. It is rarely discussed from an academic point of view. Being in the CAP, it would be very interesting to know the ties between these factors.

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