The Journey of Silvio in “Mad Toy” by Roberto Arlt

Hello everyone! My reading for this week is Roberto Arlt’s Mad Toy, a novel that explores the life of Silvio, a young man entangled in a turbulent life of poverty and adolescence. This tale is not about the life of a carefree youth growing up but rather explores a different phase of development, an identity crisis, and the harsh realities of social restraints. The novel begins with the almost innocent, charming lives of young Silvio and his friends, engulfed in a world of fantasy. The dream of Silvio and his acquaintances to become cunning bandits comes across as an innocent and harmless fantasy. I perceived it as a typical daydream of teenagers romanticizing the world of adventurous novels, which is quite common and resonates with anyone lost in the realm of imagination during the initial years of development, aka the teenage. But as the novel unfolds, these fantasies come to reality as the protagonist’s environment becomes more apparent. Silvio engages in countless thefts at places such as libraries to battle the weight of poverty. Roberto Arlt captures the desperation that drives Silvio to commit these acts to make way for a better life. Even though they are morally wrong, they undoubtedly ignite empathy in readers. Later, Silvio stops stealing for a living because he feels guilty for engaging in such activities. He then tries to find a decent job, but struggles there too. The novel also addresses his family’s financial situation, which might also be a reason for him feeling guilty.

Later in the scene, as a door-to-door salesman, Silvio faces a moral dilemma in the scene where he encounters Lucio, a character from his past who is now a successful police inspector. He then not only questions his choices in life, but the novel also raises the question about the influence of society and the experiences that shape one’s destiny. The novel further delves into the depths of Silvio’s existential crisis, especially his conflicting desires for success and contemplation of suicide. He is seen struggling to find the meaning and purpose of life, and he feels that the world is set against him. I feel like a lot of readers would again resonate with this universal experience of seeking recognition and the need to leave an impact around us before it is too late. Roberto Arlt beautifully captures the struggle of life, further reminding us to keep strong while fighting the battle to find our place in the world. The story encourages the readers to reflect on their journey through life and the societal structures that influence our choices.

Question: How do the choices and challenges faced by Silvio in his quest for identity reflect on our experiences as human beings trying to navigate our ways while transitioning through different phases of life?


1 Thought.

  1. Katyayani, good job in pointing out the poverty aspect that really is the narrative string that drives the plot forward.

    Thanks for your post!

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