
If you are so inclined you can write a very fancy “Introduction” for your project. Don’t worry about this unless you think you have some extra time and would like to keep working on your project. This is OPTIONAL

An introduction tells the reader of your research what your project is about, how you came up with your question and why your question and project are important!

Here is the basic formula for writing an introduction: It’s like a fact sandwich.


What is the purpose of your project

Facts you know

Facts you know

Facts you know



Here is an example from my project:

The purpose of this research project is to examine the type of snack choices teachers make in private. Teachers are considered role models in school and community environments. The Integrated Resource Package (IRP) and the Draft Curriculum for Transforming Curriculum and Assessment (DRAFT) both include sections on Health and Physical Education. With the implementation of the draft curriculum in September 2015 teachers will be expected to inform their students about healthy lifestyles, which includes Active Living and Healthy Choices. A “Big Idea” in the curriculum is teaching students that “Personal choices can have effects on short term and long term well being”. As teachers are role models to students the nutrition choices they make are highly relevant to creating healthy school environments. Although teachers know that it is important to make healthy choices, preparing healthy meals and snacks may require time and preparation. Most teachers are very busy because they have large classes, meetings, professional development, marking, clubs, sports, and recess duty. If healthy choices were readily available it would be easier for teachers to be role models to their students because teachers know that they should eat healthy foods. As such, I hypothesize that teachers will choose healthy snacks over processed treats when both options are available.

I bolded all the components of the formula! See how I stuck them together… Remember this part is optional. If you would like to complete this you can work on this at school with my help during Science Fair time or ask me during morning recess or after school.


Your Method includes your procedure, materials and safety note.


Procedure + Materials + Safety Note = Methods

Procedure: The procedure describes step by step how to do your experiment. This way in the future someone can try and recreate your experiment and get the same results.


  • Cut up the same amount of apples and apple Danishes
  • Arrange the snacks on identical platters
  • Place the platter in the staffroom before recess
  • After recess record the data (see what was eaten, also take pictures for documentation)


The materials section is a detailed list of things someone would need in order to do your experiment. Make sure you are specific (how many of each thing did you need?)


  • Apples (5)
  • Plates (2)
  • knife
  • apple pastries (1 Package)


The safety note shows people that your experiment is SAFE and ETHICAL. This means you didn’t hurt yourself, others, or the environment. (Take care of yourself, take care of others, take care of this place)

Remember: You can not cause anyone physical harm or embarrassment. For this reason, I left the staff room during my experiment to make sure I wasn’t watching who was eating which snacks.

Some of us will need to plan more carefully about safety than others because all our projects are different.

Safety Note:

No teachers were harmed during this experiment

  • Safety precautions: use knife carefully
  • No teachers were identified or will be identified






These are great questions but not very specific! I had to do some more thinking….


  • ..I heard once that teachers care about health education. My teacher tells me about the benefits of eating fresh fruits and vegetables
  • …I wonder if teachers eat fresh fruits in the staffroom.
  • …I wonder if teachers choose healthy snacks instead of treats.

Once I had some more specific ideas I was able to write my hypothesis

Hypothesis: I hypothesize that teachers at our school will choose a healthy snack instead of an unhealthy snack during recess break. This is my hypothesis because teachers know about healthy eating. 

Your hypothesis is only one or two sentences but it covers all the important questions!

Who – Teachers

What – Snack Choice

Where – Our School

When – Recess break

Why – Because they know about healthy eating.

Doughnut worry!





Here is some of the information from yesterday, remember- we are doing this project together. I will take the class through each big step, so don’t worry and be happy.


How can Ms. Lamba help me with my project??

I would be happy to

  • help you explore different themes and fields
  • monitor your progress with weekly check-ins
  • teach you how to write a great report
  • show you how to analyze your data with simple calculations
  • show you how to present your data with sharp looking graphs
  • help you prepare an effective oral presentation
  • tell you about my experience as a fair participant and a judge


I cannot

– tell you what to be passionate about

– do the work for you , conduct your trials for you or write your report


Remember: Take OWNERSHIP of this project and be PROUD of your research



“We’re not done doing science!”



“There is so much that we don’t know that we don’t know”

“All it takes is one person asking one question, and they can radically change how humans think”

“There are always parts of things that are hard and we don’t like”

“There are always unexpected difficulties and you will run into them but you need to push past them, once you push past them you get to something really exciting and that’s actually building knowledge for yourself!”

“Don’t tell the other scientists that I said that biology is really cool and probably the coolest”



Fun fact: Jill can tell you the weather at a certain point in time thousands of years ago more accurately than meteorologists can predict the weather a few days from now. 

What is science anyways?

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What is science? 

Asking questions and making observations


Making observations and asking questions


Science is about asking questions like – What, Why, How? When? What if… 


What kind of science is out there? 

There are many different fields of science- all scientists may have different goals or special ways of thinking depending on their field of study.

There is Mathematics, Computing, Biology,
Chemistry, Physics, Ecology, Environmental Science, Psychology, Cognitive Science, Linguistics, and even art can be studied scientifically!


What do scientists do? They…

  • Ask questions and make observations/ make observations and ask questions
  • Make a hypothesis
  • Test their hypothesis
  • Draw conclusions from the results of their tests
  • Record and share their results