Solid New IPhones Fail to Excite

In Focus: Marketing

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The new IPhone 5s and 5c, attempts to create a point of difference for apple with finger scanning technology, faster processor and an update to their iOS system. Apple is also deviating from their standard model of releasing one IPhone a year to include an extra lower cost model. Apple maintains its points of parity by keeping their phones thin, light and simple to use. These are qualities that Apple has avoided changing since the original IPhone probably because they believe this to be their strength. Apple is an established brand but has not made much changes to their points of parity causing them to lose market share to competitors such as Samsung which has been evolving theirs over the years. Furthermore, Apple’s points of difference such as faster processors and operating system upgrades are not something its competitors are not able to provide. Apple seems to have lost the “wow” factor that they used to provide consumers with when launching new products. The points of difference for smartphones are driven by innovation and Apple needs a lot of it in order to maintain control of the smartphone market.


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