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Araucaria araucana (N)
Araucaria araucana (N)
Common name: monkey puzzle tree
Family name: Araucariaceae
Useful cultivars and selections: evergreen conifer
USDA Hardiness Zone: 7-10
Mature height and spread: 15-25; 7-10m
Form: evergreen conifer
Water use: medium
Soil requirements: well-drained soil; moderately fertile; evenly moist; full sun to part shade
Leaf arrangement: simple, alternate, spirally arranged, spiny pointed
Flower/cone/fruit description(s): 10-18cm long, 8-15 wide; imbricate scales; pineapple-shaped
Limitations: not drought tolerant
Suitable uses: ornamental landscape specimen
Quick ID description: spiny pointed, spirally, alternate; imbricate, pineapple-shaped
Photographs: http://oregonstate.edu/dept/ldplants/ararauc.htm
Calocedrus decurrens
Calocedrus decurrens
Common name: incense cedar
Family name: Cupressaceae
Useful cultivars and selections: ‘Maupin Glow’
USDA Hardiness Zone: 5-8
Mature height and spread: 20-35m; 3-6m
Form: evergreen conifer
Water use: medium
Soil requirements: well-drained, moist, fertile soils
Leaf arrangement: scale like, decurrent and overlapping, flattened sprays, highly aromatic, fluted pattern
Flower/cone/fruit description(s): small, cylindrical, 2-2.5 cm; composed of 6 scales, the scales are flattened and pointed, disintegrating when ripen
Limitations: drought tolerant
Suitable uses: specimen, background tree
Quick ID description: highly aromatic, fluted pattern
Cedrus atlantica
Cedrus atlantica
Common name: Atlas cedar
Family name: Pinaceae
USDA Hardiness Zone: 6-9
Mature height and spread: 13-20m; 10-11m
Form: evergreen conifer
Water use: medium
Soil requirements: deep, well-drained, acidic loams; full sun
Leaf arrangement: clustered on short shoot or alternate on long shoot, about 2cm, shorter than deodara
Flower/cone/fruit description(s): female cone are upright, imbricate, barrel-shape
Limitations: drought tolerant
Suitable uses: specimen plant
Quick ID description: short needle; imbricate, barrel-shape
Cedrus deodara
Cedrus deodara
Common name: Deodar cedar
Family name: Pinaceae
Useful cultivars and selections: ‘Shalimar’
USDA Hardiness Zone: 7-8
Mature height and spread: 10-16m; 10-13m
Form: evergreen conifer
Water use: medium
Soil requirements: deep, moist, well-drained, acidic loams; full sun.
Leaf arrangement: clustered on short shoot or alternate on long shoot; longer than atlantica
Flower/cone/fruit description(s): upright, single or in pairs, ovoid, 7.5-10 cm long, take 2 years to mature
Limitations: drought tolerant
Suitable uses: specimen tree for large lawn
Quick ID description: spirally, whorled, spur-like stem; upright cone
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
Common name: Lawson cypress
Family name: Cupressaceae
USDA Hardiness Zone: 5-8
Mature height and spread: 35-55m; 10-20m
Form: evergreen conifer
Water use: medium
Soil requirements: average, moist, well-drained soils; full sun to part shade.
Leaf arrangement: “X” makings on the underside, opposite pair, closely pressed
Flower/cone/fruit description(s): peltate, valvate scales; globose, 8mm, blue-green then brown
Limitations: shelter from strong winds; avoid wet, poorly-drained soils
Suitable uses: ornamental planting
Quick ID description: “X”, globose
Chamaecyparis pisifera Filifera Group
Chamaecyparis pisifera Filifera Group
Common name: Sawara Cypress
Family name: Cupressaceae
USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-8
Mature height and spread: 2-6m; 1-2m
Form: evergreen conifer, droopy mound
Water use: medium
Soil requirements: average, medium, well-drained soils; full sun to part shade
Leaf arrangement: branchlets thin, needle in opposite pairs, gray-green
Flower/cone/fruit description(s): small and globose cone, black-brown when ripe
Suitable uses: rock gardens, foundation planting, specimen
Quick ID description: strong smell, small and globose
Cryptomeria japonica
Cryptomeria japonica
Common name: Japanese cedar
Family name: Cupressaceae
Useful cultivars and selections: ‘ Radicans’ ‘ Elegans Nana’
USDA Hardiness Zone: 5-9
Mature height and spread: 15-18m; 6-10m
Form: evergreen conifer
Water use: medium
Soil requirements: moist, rich, well-drained, acidic soils; full sun
Leaf arrangement: awl-shaped needles, needle point forward; spirally arranged, 6-20mm, curved
Flower/cone/fruit description(s): cones are terminal, like a ball, 10-12mm wide
Limitations: tolerate light shade; should be protected from drying winter winds
Suitable uses: large specimen tree, screen
Quick ID description: awl-shaped needle; cones are terminal
Cunninghamia lanceolata
Cunninghamia lanceolata
Common name: China fir
Family name: Cupressaceae
Useful cultivars and selections: ‘Glauca’
USDA Hardiness Zone: 7-9
Mature height and spread: 10-25m; 3-10m
Form: evergreen conifer
Water use: medium
Soil requirements: moist, acidic, well-drained soils; part shade
Leaf arrangement: stiff, narrowly, spirally arranged, 3-7cm long, base is widest, curve, sharp; stomatal bands on both surfaces
Flower/cone/fruit description(s): rounded, walnut-sized; scales pointed and spreading
Limitations: tolerate full sun
Suitable uses: specimen
Quick ID description:
Juniperus sabina
Juniperus sabina
Common name: savin juniper
Family name: Cupressaceae
USDA Hardiness Zone: 3-7
Mature height and spread: 1-2m; 2-3m
Form: evergreen conifer
Water use: medium
Soil requirements: average, medium moisture, well-drained soils; full sun no shade
Leaf arrangement: both needle and scale-like leaves
Flower/cone/fruit description(s): globose, 5-7mm
Limitations: Intolerant of wet soils; Tolerant of some drought once established
Suitable uses: foundations; small garden; hedge
Quick ID description: needle or scale; globose