Reflective Post on Marketing Project


The marketing assignment gave us an experience at analyzing a company’s current environment with SWOT, as well as STP and 4Ps of a company. Finally we tried to develop a marketing plan for our company( Unilever).


First of all, I would say that I enjoy every part in the assignments. It encourages us to explore more detailed background and current strategies for Unilever, which is one of the most powerful global brands in the world. And also we learn how a company segment a product. I feel it very useful for a company, because segmentation allows a company develop a new market( new geographic market or new product). It is extremely excited to apply our knowledge on developing a new segment for a current exsit product.


All my team members do a really good job for every assignment. Although none of us knows how to edit a video( It was edited by a friend). It would be perfect if we can make a more creative and exciting video for our last assignment. This winter holiday, I decided to learn editing and making a video and I think it might be benefitial to my future projects.


I have to say I enjoy every comm 296 lectures this term, I love how our professor explain and give his examples. I regret that I should prepare my midterm more earlier, although the contents in this course is not complex and really exciting. I shouldn’t overlook some details and should read textbook prior to class.


A&F’s branding lessons( Respond to Flora Zhu’s ethical issue blog)

Abercrombie and Fitch is a clothing retail company that focuses on casual wear for customers aged 18-22, Recently, A&F has been critizised for not offering size XL and XXL in women’s collections,


Confronted with the clothing size problem, Mike Jeffries, CEO and Chairman for Abercrombie & Fitch, respond that they:” only attract cool American kids with a great attitude and a lot of friends….You don’t alienate anybody, but you don’t excite anybody, either.”


Jeffries then went on to say about his employees, “we hire good-looking people in our stores. Because good-looking people attract other good-looking people, and we want to market to cool, good-looking people. We don’t market to anyone other than that,”


These arguments bring up a major issue of ethics, brand association and poor perceived value.


Brand association reflect Mental links that a customer make between a brand and its key product attrbutes, Firms always want to develop a good personality for their brands, A&F in this case, trying to build a cool, friendly and good healthy skinny look to their customers, which they think will attract more potential young customers who wish to be like that. However, Jeffries have touch the bottom line of ethics issue that his speech about cool kids at school may hurt the feeling of their potential young customers, who is the typical not- so-cool kids but loves their clothes. A&F have also build a poor perceived value to their young customers that Jeff’s speech might catalyzed an ouslaught of disapprocal from unpopular costmers. The negative affect from the quote will not only drive down sales for A&F, but also give them a poor reput

Information Technology used in Marketing


Effective marketing is to influence customer’s decisions as well as successfully getting information from them during the purchasing. After I finished comm391 this semester, I have a deeper understanding on how IT can benefit a marketing with the right marketing IT tools, Here are some examples of IT tools that I have studied recently and I found could help a marketing team.

First of all, I would like to introduce ESO( search engine optimizer), a methodology of techniques used to increase the amount of visitors to a website by using a high-ranking placement in the search results page of a search engine, such as Google, Bing, etc. It is common for an Internet users not clicking through pages and pages of search results, so the higher a website ranks in a search, the greater the chance that that site will be visited by a user.

Furthermore, the Google Analytics is also a must-have tool for a marketing team. Google Analytics is a service offered by Google that generates detailed statistics about a website’s visitors, such as total visits, unique visitors, page views, average page duration. All of these data is effectively captured by a page load event

Although this is a very basic introduction in IT used in Marketing, but I believe it should be a great opportunity for a company to learn from these IT tools. Getting more additional data from these tools can really help in making decisions and improvement in marketing.

Luxery marketing in China


The concept of luxery goods are any products with high price and high quality, In th e21st century. Due to the huge change of politics. Economy in China, there are some unexpected problems:

Counterfeit product

One major problem most luxery brand faces is the prevalence of counterfeit luxury product in China, which may cause a diluting the brand’s image. The reasons might be that the majority of population in China are still in middle or lower class income family, many of them couldn’t afford the price. furthermore, since majority of population in mainland China are still living in rural areas, they might lack the awareness to luxury brands. To solve the counterfeit problem, Luxery brand company such as LVMH has signed an agreement with Alibaba and Taobao, the most popular online-shopping and site in China. The agreement include several measurement and punishement for fake luxury products.

Price transparency


Price transparency leads. to a dillema. Since nowadays more and more luxury consumers have been to Europe either for work or shopping, they therefore have the chance to get to local  retailers and compare price they found in China.–at least 20 percent higher than they were in areas such as developed county.

How to market yourself with marketing mix (respond to our last lecture topic)

As we have learn in class, marketing mix consist of 4 p’s: price, product, place and promotion, which a company could control in developing marketing plan. This 4ps could apply in every business as well as individuals when entering society. For example, everyone in the marketing class need to build a brand image for themselves to their future customers and employers. It reveals your impression to client, how you can help your boss and how you will stand out in the competition. Here I will demonstrate each p’s more specifically:

Product: Think of ourselves as products, and your employer as your client. Think your education background, work experience and your personality as the nature of the product. Clients always look for the most suitable and attractive products. So, how you are going to develop into a better quality person?

Place: How you are going to access and get in touch with your future employers? The answer must be-seize every possibilities. You can either search job posting online, visiting your college’s career centre, networking with alumni or going to professional seminars.

Promotion: Promotion includes everything you need to prepare before a job interview. Going to resume help session at school, preparing possible interview questions, as well as carefully prepare your apparel to the interview will definitely increases your brand awareness.

Price: If you are hired to a job, you should get a price. The Price should not only includes salary, but also insurance, benefits as well as vacations. You should convince your employer that you deserve a high price to get the price you want.

unethical blog advertisement


Micheal phan is a famous Asian makeup youtube blogger and now also an official spokesperson and video makeup artist for Lancome. On Youtube when you reach a number of views and subscribers you will received high attention from some companies. Michelle Phan has obviously be the one since she became so popular for years with her makeup tutorial videos on youtube, the company of Lancome noticed her videos and reached out to her to advertise their makeup and facial products, for doing this she gets 1000 dollars and 5% of the gross revenue. This seems a win-win situation that Lancome has save a large amount of money by paying normal people less than paying some female celebrities, and on the other hand, micheal Phan earns more on her youtube career and enhance pubilicity awareness as an youtube blogger.

Micheal Phan is not the only lucky blogger nowadays. We all know there are countless blogs in the world today, drawing attention and have millions of followers. Blogs and video channels create massive marketing targets. However, as far as I concerned, not every bloggers could keep the truth of their product to their subscriber. When they post a blog, some of them may even haven’t been using their product, in stead, they embellish facts and confuse the truth.

In my opinion, , advertisement bloggers should always be honest with blog readers and provide reliable information about the products to their followers, otherwise influence by these online advertisers could be negative.