Week 6 – Political Program of the Partido Independiente de Color

This week focuses on slavery and the shift of rights & politics in Latin America.

I decided to look at the Political Program of the Partido Independiente de Color since we didn’t really discuss it in class.

I was curious so I did a little research on the Partido Independiente de Color (PIC) and I learned that this Cuban political party was formed in 1908 and it consisted mostly of former African slaves as well as veterans of the Cuban War of Independence against Spain (1895–1898). The text outlines the beliefs of the PIC which include things such as equality among all races, free education, and abolition of the death penalty.

Pertaining to the week’s topic of citizenship and rights in the “New Republics”, this particular reading shines attention on the shift from colonialism and slavery to  more left-leaning politics in the wake of liberation and independence in Latin America.