Nueva Trova

Hi Everyone

Here are the lecture notes on Nueva Trova.


For the blog, discuss the relationship between Nueva Trova musicians and the Cuban Revolutionary Government.  How do they compare with Nueva canción and other musical movements throughout the region.

Here are the songs we listened to

Vieja Trova


Nueva Trova

Novisima trova

30 thoughts on “Nueva Trova

  1. What is interesting about Nueva Trova is that, although it sounds differently than Nueva Canción, there is also an emphasis on the lyrics. What the song is portraying is important. Furthermore, Nueva Trova was closely related to the government in Cuba at the time, just like Nueva Canción was closely linked to the Chilean regime. Both of them were a way for the people to express their opinion about the political situation of their respective countries, more specifically, to criticize the regime, and I think that is why what the lyrics were saying was so relevant. However, what I think is particularly interesting about Nueva Trova is that songs such is ‘Guillermo Tell’ or ‘Abuelo Paco’ seem to really emphasize on the fact that things in Cuba changed since the Revolution, and in a way it seems like they have changed for the worse. It seems like the newer generations did not share the same perspectives their parents did years before, or that things were not how they were supposed to. And I feel like very often that is what Nueva Trova was trying to express.

  2. The relation between nueva trova artists and the government of Cuba differs from that characteristic of either Argentina or Chile. This is because they are not completely opposed to the ideology of the regime they live under, and have less reason to feel resentment that would have artists under Pinochet or Peron. The concept of loyal opposition discussed in class is very interesting, because it complicates the task of determining whether the regime is in support of nueva trova or not; the song Son de Cuba a Puerto Rico is a great example of this ambiguity: Puerto Rico and Cuba have the same goal of “reaching the sky’, and are described as being the two wings of a bird, one being unable to fly without the help of the other; this is clearly calling for unity in the struggle against imperialism, however it is unclear whether the Cuban government is a positive or a negative force in this situation: what is more important (both for the government and the artists) socialist values or a sense of latin american solidarity?

  3. Due to the fact that Nueva Trova musicians were highly educated individuals who benefited from the changes implemented by the revolution, they can be seen as testing the boundaries/rules set by the Cuban government via their musical style, clothing and personal attitudes. They also found themselves to be in an semi-oppositional position to the revolution because they supported the government’s goals/ ideals yet they criticized their actions. Thus making it hard to compare this movement to others such as nueva cancion for example. What it seems to me is that nueva trova artists both fought against the government through song by voicing their own opinions yet they still seemed to share similar goals for future of cuba.

  4. Gustavo’s comment:

    Nueva Trova musicians had a weird relationship with the regime given that at the beginning, in the 60s, the Revolutionary Government would routinely imprison and censor various artists that made up the movement such as Pablo Milanes who was imprisoned and Silvio Rodriguez who was effectively exiled to a remote area of Cuba. With the coming of the 70s and the victory of Allende in Chile, the Nueva Trova movement had its moment in the sun when Chilean artists performed in Cuba and Cuban artists were sent to Chile and effectively became Cuba’s representatives abroad.
    Like Nueva Canción and Nuevo Cancionero, they were also influenced by Rock and came as a result of a lack of foreign music in the country. Like them, they were also mostly an enemy of the regime and their musicians were persecuted only difference being that Nuevo Cancionero and Nueva Canción were persecuted by Right-Wing governments whilst Nueva Trova was persecuted by a Left-Wing revolutionary government.

  5. Nueva Trova musicians had a weird relationship with the regime given that at the beginning, in the 60s, the Revolutionary Government would routinely imprison and censor various artists that made up the movement such as Pablo Milanes who was imprisoned and Silvio Rodriguez who was effectively exiled to a remote area of Cuba. With the coming of the 70s and the victory of Allende in Chile, the Nueva Trova movement had its moment in the sun when Chilean artists performed in Cuba and Cuban artists were sent to Chile and effectively became Cuba’s representatives abroad.
    Like Nueva Canción and Nuevo Cancionero, they were also influenced by Rock and came as a result of a lack of foreign music in the country. Like them, they were also mostly an enemy of the regime and their musicians were persecuted only difference being that Nuevo Cancionero and Nueva Canción were persecuted by Right-Wing governments whilst Nueva Trova was persecuted by a Left-Wing revolutionary government.

  6. I think a huge difference between Nueva Cancion and Nueva Trova was that Nueva Cancion wanted to oppose the government and create their own revolutionary identity against the identity the government wanted to impose upon artistic groups and people. Nueva Trova however, began my producing its music alongside he goal of the revolution, working with the agenda that Castro had for Cuba. It was only later in Castro’s dictatorship that he veered away from the power and goals of the youth, causing a gap between himself and the people that had put him in power. Both musical movements do focus on their relationship with the government, whether positive or negative.

  7. Nueva Trova songs where not discrete and say a lot through their lyrics, apart from other musical movements throughout the region, which where a bit more discrete in the meaning of their lyrics. Through the first few years of the revolutionary government it seemed that the Nueva Trova musicians sometimes went in complete opposition to it. They incorporated stuff in their music that the revolutionary government would not be in favor of. And they did it without any fear.
    Compared with other musical movements such as Nueva Cancion something it does resemble is the incorporation of rock and roll. As well as the emphasis in the lyrics of the song.

  8. Although both Nueva Trova and Nueva Cancion were somewhat similar in their musical inspirations, which can be characterized by the sounds of British rock music and the times of youth and rebellion. However, unlike Nueva Cancion, the movement in Cuba began alongside the revolution and Castro. As the reality of the regime set in, musicians and the general population began to feel resentment. Musicians may have practiced concern and resentment but it did not have the same conscious goal as Nueva Cancion had, perhaps because the way the regimes portrayed themselves were different (e.g. Cuba vs Argentina). Nueva Cancion worked hard to unite those who had been oppressed and stand for those voices in very subtle and ‘real’ ways. Trova had very strong lyrical content against the regime and were outright with it.

  9. I feel like the relationship between Nueva Trova artists and the Cuban government was not as intensely strained and in conflict with one another, as, say the Nueva Cancion movement was in Chile and Argentina. The Nueva Trova artists were people who were educated and supported the revolutionary governments final goals and ideologies largely. They, however, did not agree with their means and some actions. What this did was, as we discussed in class, created a loyal opposition, which is an oxymoron, but in a sense, true! What I feel the biggest differences between movements like Nueva Trova and Nueva Cancion are not just the fact that they do not sound alike, but also the fact that Nueva Trova is very focused on lyrics, at least more so than Nueva Cancion. I think that both movements sought to voice concerns about their governments. Some songs had particularly strong sentiments in both movements, and depending on interpretations, many different conclusions can be drawn from the songs of either movement, though Nueva Trova’s seemed to have more straightforward lyrics!

  10. Nueva Cancion and Nueva Trova both movements are adopting music as a method to express their opinion about political situation. They emphasize their lyrics. However, the huge, and fundamental difference between them is the relationship between the government. In case of Nueva Cancion, they were definitely against the regime, and their goal was to protest against the government. However, Nueva Trova, was not always against the government. They adopted government’s opinion partially.

  11. Nueva Trova seems to differ the most from Nueva Cancion in their relationship with the government and to classism. Artists/performers/bands etc of the Nueva Trova movement were largely educated, upper middle class individuals who generally seemed to support the government’s goals but not their methods. There were even times when they adopted the government’s opinion. The music from this movement seems less like a call to action or desperate cry for change and more like a critique or disagreement over policy. That is not to say that the people in the Nueva Trova movement weren’t taking risks in calling out an authoritative government but it does seem like they didn’t take it as far as those in the Nueva Cancion movement did.

  12. I feel that the Nueva Trova musicians were a very intelligent group, who seemed to be educated at a higher level. It seemed that the group really benefited from the changes that were implemented by the revolution. You can see the musicians really enjoyed testing the boundaries and rules set by the Cuba Government with there personal attitudes, clothes and most importantly their musical style. The group found themselves that neither opposed or supported the government, the group believed the government had the right ideas/goals but they did not like the way that the government took action to implement the goals/ideas. My opinion is that the Nueva Trova musicians both fought with and against the government because they seemed to have the same idea for the future of Cuba as the government did.

  13. Nueva Trova is an interesting tool with which to understand political changes happening in revolutionary Cuba in its early days. I believe that its explosion into musical scenes corresponds to the revolutionary expulsion of US-influenced governments from the islands. It is highly idiosyncratic to Cuba because of this. Critical of the US and its imperialism, Nueva Trova became poised to go ‘too far’ and some artists became persecuted by the Cuban state itself, when criticism was focussed internally. With the rise of Allende in Chile, Castro and his revolutionary government broadened its scope for what a revolutionary future might be: it opened itself to Chilean influences, musically as well, resulting in a relative re-opening of what Cuban musicians could sing about. Again, music during this time reflects important political developments in the Latin American region.

  14. The musicians involved with the Nueva Cancion movement opposed the regimes under which they were controlled, Chile and Argentina. The protested against such regimes and tried to build support for the “left wing” political parties and ideologies. However, the musicians involved with Nueva Trova in Cuba did not oppose the political ideologies of the revolutionary government rather the actions that the government did. It was only later in Castro’s rule that Nueva Trova began to be censored and its artist exiled, while the artists of Nueva Cancion were censored throughout the regimes and exiled from the start.

  15. What was interesting about Nueva Trova was the focus and emphasis on the poetic devices within the lyrics. Artists from the Nueva Trova were well educated and benefited from the reforms of the Revolution. This form of music also incorporated rock and the Revolution was agenized that. This form of music also had the goal in mind of coinciding with the revolution. I find it interesting on the fact that politics and music get intertwined with the messages that they present. I also find it interesting how not only this movement but the Nueva Cancion movement had American influences within the genre.

  16. The emotion that stuck out the most to me, in “Tengo” and “Guillermo Tell”, was sadness. Sadness that nothing in Cuba seemed to be getting better for the common proles post-revolution, and sadness at the cost of the revolution in terms of bodies and ruined towns. Castro hadn’t delivered on his promises, and eventually hit out at open dissenters such as the Nueva Trova stars. A sad episode, surely.

  17. The Nueva Trova movement was a socially conscious music movement that emerged in the mid-sixties continuing through to the 90s. Nueva Trova was able to distinguish itself from other types of Cuban and Caribbean music by its focus on lyricism, rather than dance. Artists of the movement were also well educated and benefitted from the reforms of the Revolution. Initially, the regime disliked the movement but its changing views on youth and the movement to a more rigors communist dogmatism in the mid 60’s marginalized Nueva Trova artists. I enjoyed this form of music, especially how it incorporated elements of rock and folk.

  18. The relationship between Nueva Trova musicians and the Cuban revolutionary government was that the Nueva Trova music opposed the government and create a strong political messages and opinion through their music. These are very similar in a way to the Nueva Cancion movement and many other musical movements that were present throughout Latin America at the time. However, the political message and movement of the Nueva Trova I believe, was not as intense and powerful as the political message which was aimed at the government aimed during the Nueva Cancion movement. However, both sides in a way show how they feel about the concern of the government. Both the musical movements had a important connection to societies in their respected regions. Through these movements we can clearly see the impact that music had on both these Latin American societies. We see the important message that music can send. The way music can sway people opinions and beliefs. We see perfect examples of this in both Chile, and Argentina and Cuba.

  19. As long as there are important events going on in the history of a country, there will be music to express people’s feeling. Nueva Trova is the example of how musician try to send a message to the people about the situation they are living and what they think. I think Nueva Trova is different from Nueva Cancion and the other movements because is not as direct or as intense as the other. Although it also sends a message about what was going on, it doesn’t reflect so much passion or dedication as the songs from the other movements. Maybe it is because people were focusing in other stuff or maybe they were trying to inspire people to act in some other way.

  20. At first Nueva Trova musicians didn’t get along with the government as some were imprisoned , censored and exiled. However this evolved as the revolutionary government came to realize they were playing along side them rather than against. This differers from the Nueva Cancion who were mostly enemies of the government and were persecuted even more. I found it interesting how they were heavily influenced by english and American rock music, proceeding to add their own latin identity to it. I thought it was important how Chilean musicians performed in Cuba, while Cubans went to Chile, how the relatively poor and separated Latin countries organized this gathering for the people, and how rock listeners were able to experience similar but different cultures through high quality and enjoyable music.

  21. The Nueva Trova movement was a rebellious form of music with a more peaceful direction. The poetic sensibilities of the songs spoke to the sensitive sides of its listeners. These lyrics captured the beauty aspects of life to encourage love instead of hate. The music has funky surrealist qualities that make for nice listening. It was groundbreaking movement in the ways it pushed for peace and opposed the revolution. This movement is similar to Nueva Cancion that the artists had to be very careful with their production as they were constantly at risk for being censored or arrested.

  22. To me, what makes Neuvo Trova particularly special is the amount of detail paid to the lyrics over other aspects of the music. One of the most common complaints these days about popular culture music is that the lyrics tend to beat vapid and uninspired, without any meaning behind them, relying on just a beat to carry the song. This was definitely not the case with Neuvo Trova. There, the lyrics drove the music, producing songs that were deeply impactful. I also think that the development of the relationship between the government and the musicians over time is quite interesting

  23. It seems that the ethos in Nueva Trova which makes it so unique, as opposed to the aggressive nature of punk in Chile or Rock Nacional in Argentina, is the inclusion of folk influences in the music. The nature of this gives it a more passive style of fighting against the Cuban revolutionary government, perhaps comparable to the style of Joan Baez and Bob Dylan during the student protests and Free Speech movement of the 60s in the United States. Most importantly the music emboldens the effectiveness of the use of non-violence in difficult political situations, famously utilized in movements such as Gandhi’s struggle for India’s independence from Britain and Martin Luther King and the fight for Civil rights.

  24. I really love the term “loyal opposition” to describe the relationship between Nueva Trova musicians and the Revolutionary Government. I feel like the sentiment that they “support the goals and philosophy, but not the actions” of the regime is so relevant to many other revolutionary movements. Every revolution that succeeds initially has public support because it usually addresses the needs of the masses and the issues with the present regime, however once the revolution is successful and it comes time to fulfill those promises that is where the revolutionaries lose the support of the masses. That is precisely what happened with Castro as his regime continued through the years. I think this is very different from the other musical movements (i.e Nuevo Cancion, Rock Nacional, Nuevo Ola, etc) because those movements all opposed the regimes because they were oppressive and were pushing for different political ideologies and philosophies. This movement however does not have a problem with the ideology of the regime, just how that ideology is being turned into a government regime and the actions of said regime. The problem here is not the political stance and objectives of the regime as it was with the other Latin American movements we discussed in class, but rather with the execution of those politics and the concrete actions of the government.

  25. Nueva trova believed in the goals and ideals of the Revolution but did not support the Party’s actions in how they chose to reach them. As it was socially conscious music, it could not support the harsh reactions of the Party to those that chose to live outside or around the boundaries of their belief system. The music was similar to that of other countries in how it was the voice of the people and in how the artists.used it to denounce the actions of their government. Like nueva canción it integrated tradition and cross generational influences however it focused more on poetic lyrics rather than rhythm.

  26. It’s pretty evident that Nueva Trova had a firm loyalty to the revolution and its principles from the very beginning. Unlike Nueva Cancion, Nueva Trova actively sought to support its new regime. Nueva Cancion was fundamentally a protest movement and remained a protest movement against Pinochet all throughout his regime. Nueva Trova on the other hand, clearly meant to support Castro’s Revolution, singing praises to Che Guevara and his legacy. Nueva Trova only began protesting against Castro after the regime proved oppressive and ineffective, likening him to an angry and selfish grandpa or a watered-down William Tell to much amusement.

  27. Nueva Trove unlike other music movements we discusses, had some back up from the government. It relied heavily on the literature and poetry. Songs were pro ideas and things that revolution symbolized, but did not support the actions the government made and how it was used to repress certain parts of the society. The music also had a folky sound and integrated country’s cultural traditions and history. Lyrics were the main part of it rather then dance elements.

  28. The Nueva trova movement, was different from other musical movements in Latin America, this is because many of the Nueva Trova artist supported the regime and its ideologies. However, some did not. Its relationship with the culture and the government was that of mixed feelings. Although, the Cuban revolution controlled many aspects of society, the Cuban artist were able to represent Cuba internationally. Something, artist from Nueva Cancion could not do, instead they represented the resent many Chilens had towards their government.

  29. The relationship between Nuevo Trova musicians and the Cuban revolutionary government is that it is very different to Argentina and Chile. This is mainly because the Nuevo Trova movement was not completely opposed to the Cuban regime. This means that they would have felt less resentment for the regime than Nueva Cancion and other musical artists under Pinochet and those in Argentina. Nuevo Trova can be seen as a semi-oppositional movement as they supported some of the Cuban government’s policies and ideas. This makes it hard to compare to other movements that we have discussed in Chile and Argentina.

  30. The Nuova Trova musicians had a different relationship to politics than other movements in Chile and Argentina, this song movement was the first movement that supported a political regime in far more aspects than that of the nuova cancion movements which actually opposed the government. This music was peacefully opposed to the regime but the music truly affects the feelings of the people of Chile and how they felt about their country. The lyrics were very meaningful and the focal point of the songs. It is nice to see that one of the song movements supported the ideas of the revolutionary ideologies and the impact that the band had on the country was clearly profound.

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