Category Archives for Uncategorized

Week 6 Trading

This week I spent a lot of time downloading and manipulating Bloomberg data in Excel.  In spirit of our upcoming project proposals, I thought I’d share how to use the Bloomberg Excel Add-In. The terminal is a very good source … Continue reading

25. October 2013 by laurauguc
Categories: Uncategorized | 1 comment

Week 5 Trading

EPA on Ethanol Blend This week in our lab, we discuss an EPA decision to reduce ethanol use in gasoline next year. My immediate thought was that it would lower the demand for both ethanol and corn, reducing both prices. … Continue reading

18. October 2013 by laurauguc
Categories: Uncategorized | 1 comment

Week 4 Trading

This week, I decided to trade without using the BB terminal. I thought that it would allow me to step back and look at the bigger picture. But having got so used to information at my fingertips, I kept on … Continue reading

11. October 2013 by laurauguc
Categories: Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Week 3 Trading

Open Interest This week I decided to learn about open interest, a concept very useful to futures trading. Open interest is the total number of options and/or futures contracts that are not closed or delivered on a particular day. It … Continue reading

04. October 2013 by laurauguc
Categories: Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Week 2 Trading

Market Summary The following is a Bloomberg (BB) graph of this week’s front-month future prices for our three commodities (wheat, soybeans, and corn). The starkest change over the week is given by the 5.84% increase in the wheat price. The … Continue reading

27. September 2013 by laurauguc
Categories: Uncategorized | 2 comments

Bloomberg Terminal & Trading Plan

Bloomberg Terminal For those interested, there’s a Bloomberg terminal on campus. It’s located in CLC 222, the Sauder computer lab in the Canaccord Learning Commons. It’s quite useful for trading; it has live price information, graphs, news, and other useful … Continue reading

05. September 2013 by laurauguc
Categories: Uncategorized | 3 comments

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