blog marketing

One activity I cannot go a day without doing is following other people’s blogs and sometimes, I find myself checking for new posts obsessively. Silly as it seems, blogging and reading other people’s blogs is possibly the most addicting and entertaining thing one can do on the internet. But why?

Fashion blogs, food blogs, and art blogs – they have become the destinations I frequent the most when I am browsing the internet. You can practically find a blog about anything you enjoy or value in the vast expanses of the internet. This fact is why blogs are so appealing, because people will read posts that relate to their interests. And this is how blogs can be a powerful marketing tool.

Blogs are a way that people can share their ideas and thoughts, whether negative or positive, and  anyone who is online can read them. One of the things marketing aims to achieve is communicating value to consumers. Blogging is a relatively inexpensive way they can reach out to people globally and achieve this. It is also an effective way they can develop two-way communication with customers and further improve their offerings. Perhaps the most astounding thing about blogs is how they can be used as a means of indirect marketing. As consumers use different products and services, they can tell the world about their experience through blogging. And people care about these opinions. This is why I frequent blogs, and why people look up movie critiques posted by reviewers before they decide to see it or not.

It is amazing what changes have taken place over the last decade. I remember when I was a kid, I used to ask my parents when I needed an opinion on something. But today, with access to the internet, finding out what others think about a product, or even what products are available, is only a click away.

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My name's Laura and I'm a 3rd Year Accounting student studying at the Sauder School of Business. I'm passionate about traveling, drawing and teaching. My dreams are to be successful doing a job I'll love for the rest of my life, and making a difference in the world, somehow.


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