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AGIS Plus Text (Australian database from informit)
AGIS Plus Text is a full text online database which offers secondary law resources covering all aspects of law in Australia, New Zealand and Asia Pacific. AGIS Plus Text provides access to articles from over 130 legal journals from Australia, New Zealand and the Asia-Pacific region indexed in the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Information Service (AGIS) database. Subject coverage includes all aspects of law including administrative law, banking, companies and securities, constitutional law, copyright law, criminal law, environmental law, family law, human rights, international law, legal aid, and trade practices.

CLI (Current Legal Information)
CLI contains:
– Legal Journals Index – indexes over 700 law journals and summarizes articles, case & legislative comments from UK, EU, and Irish law journals
– Current Law Cases – Digests of reported cases
– LRDI Grey Paper Index – An index of legal current awareness information
– Financial Journals Index – An index of financial and business articles
– Case Citator – A quick guide to all case law
– Legislation Citator – A one-stop guide to legislative developments

E&E (Environment & Energy) Publishing
Environment & Energy Publishing is the leading source for comprehensive, daily coverage of environmental and energy politics and policy. Includes reporting of issues facing the White House, Congress, the courts, federal agencies and the states.

Orders in Council (Canadian)
Orders In Council (Canadian) contains current and archived issues of Orders in Council in Canada. Also includes all approved Regulations (some of which have never been prepublished), Proclamation Orders (which bring sections of new Acts into effect), approved Proposed Regulations, any tax and duty remission orders, Ministerial Orders, Queen’s Regulations and Orders for the Canadian Force (some of which are not published in the Canada Gazette). Available in html or pdf format .

All these new databases can be found under “Commercial Databases” from the Law Library homepage at

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