HV8593 .K88 2006
Christopher Kutz, Torture, necessity and existential politics ([Toronto]: Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, [2006]).

JZ1318 .K46 2006
David Kennedy, Challenging expert rule: the politics of global governance ([Toronto]: Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, [2006]).

K213 .W49 2005 (LC)
James Boyd White, Living speech: resisting the empire of force ([Toronto]: Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, [2005]).

K235 .R63 2005 (LC)
Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco, A detached viewpoint in legal theory ([Toronto]: Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, [2005]).

K235 .S33 2005 (LC)
Frederick Shcauer, (Re)taking Hart ([Toronto]: Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, [2005]).

K561 .L44 2006 (LC)
Pierre Legrand, Comparative legal studies and the matter of authenticity ([Toronto]: Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, [2006]).

K574 .D89 2005 (LC)
Neil Duxbury, The authority of precedent: two problems ([Toronto]: Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, [2005]).

K3165 .O45 2006 (LC)
Peter Oliver, Constitutional change in the Commonwealth: lessons for constitutional theory ([Toronto]: Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, [2006]).

K7126 .W45 2005 (LC)
Patrick Weil, Access to citizenship: a comparison of twenty-five nationality laws ([Toronto]: Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, [2005]).

KE3454.5 .L38 2006 (LC)
T. Stephen Lavender, The annotated Employment Insurance Act and regulations (Toronto: Carswell, 2006- ).
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=0459284231

KE3614.54 .D63 2006 (LC)
Meinhard Doelle, Canadian Environmental Protection Act & commentary, 2006/2007 ed. (Markham: LexisNexis Butterworths, 2006).
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=0433453702

KE4217.5 .L64 (LC) LAW LIBRARY reserve collection
Andrew Lokan & Christopher M. Dassios, Constitutional litigation in Canada (Toronto: Carswell, 2006- ).
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=0459276263

KE4381.5 .D54 2006 (LC)
Sheila McIntyre & Sanda Rodgers, eds., Diminishing returns: inequality and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Markham: LexisNexis Butterworths, 2006).
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=0433453974

KEB395.Z85 S45 2006 (LC)
Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, Self-governing professions, 2006 update: materials prepared for the Continuing Legal Education seminar, Self-Governing Professions 2006, held in Vancouver, B.C. on April 20, 2006 (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of BC, 2006).

KEN7933 .L39 2006 (LC)
Law Reform Commission of Nova Scotia, Vexatious litigants: final report ([Halifax]: Law Reform Commission of Nova Scotia, [2006]).
Online access: http://www.lawreform.ns.ca/Downloads/VL_Final_Report.pdf

KEO359 .O27 2006 (LC)
Roger G. Oatley, Addressing the jury: achieving fair verdicts in personal injury cases, 2d ed. (Aurora: Canada Law Book, [2006]).
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=088804433x

KF4758 .S54 2006 (LC)
Reva B. Siegel, Constitutional culture, social movements conflict and constitutional change: the case of the de facto ERA ([Toronto]: Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, [2006]).

KF5130 .B575 2005 (LC)
Oxford Conversazioni on Culture and Society, Judicial activism: power without responsibility? ([Melbourne: School of Law, The University of Melbourne], 2006).

KNS943 .S53 2005 (LC)
Mitra Sharafi, Race, religion and libel law: the Parsi colonial case study ([Toronto]: Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, [2005]).

KU2160 .R48 2006 (LC)
Australian Law Reform Commission, Review of sedition laws: issues paper (Sydney: Australian law Reform Commission, 2006).
Online access: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/other/alrc/publications/issues/30/

KU2160 .R482 2006 (LC)
Australian Law Reform Commission, Review of sedition laws: discussion paper (Sydney: Australian law Reform Commission, 2006).
Online access: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/other/alrc/publications/dp/71/

KUC77 .N48 2006 (LC)
New South Wales Law Reform Commission, I give, devise and bequeath: an empirical study of testators’ choice of beneficiaries (Sydney: New South Wales Law Reform Commission, 2006).
Online access: http://www.lawlink.nsw.gov.au/lawlink/lrc/ll_lrc.nsf/pages/LRC_rr13toc

KUQ354 .N48 2006 (LC)
New Zealand, Law Commission, Waka Umanga: a proposed law for M¯aori governance entities (Wellington: Law Commission, 2006).
Online access: http://www.lawcom.govt.nz/ProjectReport.aspx?ProjectID=115

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