HV551.2 .T78 2006
C. Raj Kumar & D.K. Srivastava, eds., Tsunami and disaster management: law and governance (Hong Kong: Sweet & Maxwell Asia, 2006).
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=9626613068

JL193 .B527 2002
Law Commission of Canada, Renewing democracy: debating electoral reform in Canada: discussion paper ([Ottawa]: Law Commission of Canada, 2002).
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=0662667697
Online access: http://dsp-psd.pwgsc.gc.ca/Collection/JL2-20-2002E.pdf

KD8391 .A73 2004 (LC)
Becky Hamlyn et al., Are special measures working?: evidence from surveys of vulnerable and intimidated witnesses (London: Home Office, 2004).
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=1844732851
Online access: http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/rds/pdfs04/hors283.pdf

KE265 .L57 2005 (LC)
Council of Canadian Administrative Tribunals, Literacy and access to administrative justice in Canada: a guide for the promotion of plain language (Ottawa: Council of Canadian Administrative Tribunals, 2005).
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=0973782803

KE4775 .M39 2004 (LC)
Peter J. McCormick, Judicial independence and judicial governance in the provincial courts ([Toronto?]: Canadian Association of Provincial Court Judges, [2004]).
Online access: http://www.judges-juges.ca/en/publications/pubdocs/JudgeBook.pdf

KEB198.Z85 F35 2006 (LC)
Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, Family law : advanced financial issues in family law: materials prepared for the Continuing Legal Education seminar, Advanced financial issues in family law, held in Vancouver, B.C., on September 29, 2006 (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 2006).

KEB529.5.R57 L53 2004 (LC)
Environmental Aboriginal Guardianship through Law and Education, Lifeblood of the land: Aboriginal peoples’ water rights in British Columbia (Surrey: Environmental Aboriginal Guardianship through Law and Education, 2004).
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=0973183101

KEN1772 .L35 2006 (LC)
Antonio Lamer, The Lamer Commission of Inquiry into the proceedings pertaining to: Ronald Dalton, Gregory Parsons, Randy Druken: report and annexes (St. John’s: [Govt. of] Newfoundland and Labrador, 2006).
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=1551463180

KEN7949 .L392 2005 (LC)
Law Reform Commission of Nova Scotia, Vexatious litigants : discussion paper ([Halifax]: Law Reform Commission of Nova Scotia, [2005]).
Online access: http://www.lawreform.ns.ca/Downloads/Vexatious_Litigtaion.pdf

KU50 .A97 1996 (LC)
Australasian Professional Legal Education Council International, Skills development for tomorrow’s lawyers: needs and strategies: conference papers (St Leonards: APLEC, 1996).
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=0864520514

KU354 .A2654 2006 (LC)
Law Reform Commission of Western Australia, Aboriginal customary laws: the interaction of Western Australian law with Aboriginal law and culture: final report (Perth, WA: The Commission, 2006).
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=1740350545

KU2461 .A363 2006 (LC)
Administrative Review Council (Australia), The scope of judicial review: report to the Attorney General (Barton: Administrative Review Council, 2006).
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=0642211817
Online access: https://www.ag.gov.au/agd/WWW/arcHome.nsf/Page/Publications_Reports_Report_Files_Report_No._47

KE850 . S93 2006 (LC)
John Swan, Canadian contract law (Markham: LexisNexis Butterworths, 2006).
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=0433397918

KE1639 .F32 2006 (LC)
Brian A. Facey & Dany H. Assaf, Competition and antitrust law: Canada and the United States, 3d ed. (Markham: LexisNexis Butterworths, 2006).
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=0433442816

KF540 .F38 2006 (LC)
Richard Collier & Sally Sheldon, eds., Fathers’ rights activism and law reform in comparative perspective (Oxford: Hart, 2006).
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=1841136298

KF9673 .B68 2005 (LC)
Sherrie Bourg Carter, Children in the courtroom: challenges for lawyers and judges (Notre Dame: National Institute for Trial Advocacy, 2005).
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=155681948X

KQC524 .N35 2006 (LC)
Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na’im, African constitutionalism and the role of Islam (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006).
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=9780812239621

KZ3410 .A96 2006
J.-Maurice Arbour & Geneviève Parent, Droit international public, 5th ed. (Cowansville: Éditions Y. Blais, 2006).
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=9782894519608

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