HQ281 .E9 2007
Gert Vermeulen, ed., EU Quality Standards in Support of the Fight Against Trafficking in Human Beings and Sexual Exploitation of Children: Exploratory Study of the Potential and Feasibility of Self-Regulation Or Public-Private Co-operation (Antwerp: Maklu, 2007).

HV6250.3.N45 C65 2008
New Zealand, Law Commission, Compensating Crime Victims (Wellington: Law Commission, 2008).
Online access: http://www.lawcom.govt.nz/UploadFiles/Publications/Publication_155_418_IP11.pdf

HV6570 .R46 2008
Beyond Borders, ECPAT-USA & Shared Hope International, Report of the Canada-United States Consultation in Preparation for World Congress III Against Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents (New York: Beyond Borders, ECPAT-USA and Shared Hope International, 2008).
Online access: http://www.ecpat.net/WorldCongressIII/PDF/RegionalMTGs/canada_us_consult_report_final.pdf

JQ4020.S8 A7 2009
Nicholas Aroney, The Constitution of a Federal Commonwealth: The Making and Meaning of the Australian Constitution (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009).

K213 .O27 2008 (LC)
Anne Wagner & Sophie Cacciaguidi-Fahy, eds., Obscurity and Clarity in the Law: Prospects and Challenges (Aldershot Hants: Ashgate, 2008).

K675 .M366 2008 (LC)
Alison Diduck, ed., Marriage and Cohabitation (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008).

K1401 .D475 2009 (LC)
Neil Weinstock Netanel, ed., The Development Agenda: Global Intellectual Property and Developing Countries (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009).

K2400 .W76 2008 (LC)
Henrik Horn & Petros C. Mavroidis, eds., The WTO Case Law of 2004-5: Legal and Economic Analysis (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008).

K3171 .T74 2008 (LC)
Michael J. Trebilcock & Ronald J. Daniels, Rule of Law Reform and Development: Charting the Fragile Path of Progress (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2008).

K3840 .W64 2003 (LC)
Henrik Horn & Petros C. Mavroidis, eds., The WTO Case Law of 2001 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003).

K4640.O74 I53 2009 (LC)
Stefano Inama, Rules of Origin in International Trade (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009).

KD654.A73 G74 2006 (LC)
Great Britain, Law Commission, Post-Legislative Scrutiny (London: The Stationery Office, 2006).
Online access: http://www.lawcom.gov.uk/post_leg_scrutiny.htm

K4640.O74 I53 2009 (LC)
Stefano Inama, Rules of Origin in International Trade (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009).

KD4902 .F67 2008 (LC)
Michael Fordham, Judicial Review Handbook, 5th ed. (Oxford: Hart, 2008).

KD4902 .L49 2009 (LC)
Clive Lewis, Judicial Remedies in Public Law, 4th ed. (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2009).

KD7975 .C37 2008 (LC)
Richard Card, Alisdair A. Gillespie & Michael Hirst, Sexual Offences (Bristol: Jordans, 2008).

KDZ944.A41992 N33 2008 (LC)
Scott Sinclair, NAFTA Chapter 11 Investor-State Disputes to January 1, 2008 (Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, [2008]).
Online access: http://www.policyalternatives.ca/Reports/2008/01/ReportsStudies1814/

KE309 .C36 2008 (LC)
Law School Admission Council, Canadian Law School Applicant Study (Newtown: Law School Admission Council, 2008).

KE589 .F43 2009 (LC)
Canada, Dept. of Justice, The Federal Child Support Guidelines: Step-by-Step ([Ottawa]: Dept. of Justice Canada, 2009).

KE1485 .W66 2009 (LC) Law Reserve
Roderick J. Wood, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Law (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2009).

KE3432 .C732 2008 (LC)
Canada, Human Resources and Social Development Canada, Credit Splitting: A Guide for the Legal Profession (Ottawa: Human Resources and Social Development Canada, 2008).
Online access: http://www.hrsdc.gc.ca/eng/publications_resources/service_providers/canada_pensions/0040308.shtml

KE8244 .S65 2008 (LC)
Donald R. Songer, The Transformation of the Supreme Court of Canada: An Empirical Examination (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008).

KEB292 .R46 2008 (LC)
British Columbia Law Institute, Report on the Privacy Act of British Columbia (Vancouver: British Columbia Law Institute, 2008).
Online access: http://resolve.library.ubc.ca/cgi-bin/catsearch?bid=3974748

KEM229.3 M36 2008 (LC)
Manitoba, Law Reform Commission, nduring Powers of Attorney: Areas for Reform Supplementary Report (Winnipeg : Manitoba Law Reform Commission, 2008).
Online access: http://www.gov.mb.ca/justice/mlrc/pubs/epa_supp_report.html

KU716.7 .Y68 2008 (LC)
Simon Young, The Trouble with Tradition: Native Title and Cultural Change (Sydney: Federation Press, 2008).

KUQ2414.A31 1979 R48 2008 (LC)
New Zealand, Law Commission, Review of the Civil List Act, 1979 (Wellington: Law Commission, 2008).
Online access: http://www.lawcom.govt.nz/UploadFiles/Publications/Publication_140_409_IP08.pdf

KUQ2461 .R48 2008 (LC)
New Zealand, Law Commission, Review of Prerogative Writs (Wellington: Law Commission, 2008).
Online access: http://www.lawcom.govt.nz/UploadFiles/Publications/Publication_150_416_IP09.pdf

KZ6310 .C63 2007
Mauro Politi & Federica Gioia, eds., The International Criminal Court and National Jurisdictions (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008).

KZ6471 .O845 2009
Mark Osiel, The End of Reciprocity: Terror, Torture, and the Law of War (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009).

FC125 .M48 2008
Frederica Wilson & Melanie Mallet, eds., Métis–Crown Relations: Rights, Identity, Jurisdiction, and Governance (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2008).
Online access: http://resolve.library.ubc.ca/cgi-bin/catsearch?bid=3946621

K115 .L387 2008 (LC)
Tanina Rostain, ed., Lawyers and the Legal Profession (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008).

JL433 .M32 2008 Law Reference
E. George MacMinn, Parliamentary Practice in British Columbia ([Victoria: Office of the Clerk], 2008).

K52.F7 B43 2008 (LC) Law Reference
Louis Beaudoin, Les Mots du Droit: Lexique Analogique Juridique = Legal Thesaurus 3d ed. (Cowansville: Éditions Y. Blais, 2008).

K115 .L387 2008 (LC)
Tanina Rostain, ed., Lawyers and the Legal Profession (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008).

K3240 .M369 2009 (LC)
Jill Marshall, Personal Freedom Through Human Rights Law?: Autonomy, Identity and Integrity Under the European Convention on Human Rights (Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2009).

K3850 .L46 2009 (LC)
Bruno Leoni et al., Law, Liberty and the Competitive Market (New Brunswick: Transaction Pub., 2009).

K3585 .M365 2008 (LC)
Simon Marsden, Strategic Environmental Assessment in International and European Law: A Practitioner’s Guide (London: EARTHSCAN, 2008).

K5000 .T49 2008 (LC)
Leila Nadya Sadat & Michael P. Scharf, eds., The Theory and Practice of International Criminal Law: Essays in Honor of M. Cherif Bassiouni (Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2008).

K5000 .C75 2008 (LC)
John Jackson, Máximo Langer & Peter Tillers, eds., Crime, Procedure and Evidence in a Comparative and International Context: Essays in Honour of Professor Mirjan Damaska (Oxford: Hart, 2008).

K5301 .B627 2008 (LC)
Gideon Boas, James L. Bischoff & Natalie L. Reid, International Criminal Law Practitioner Library: Volume 2, Elements of Crimes Under International Law (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008).

K5302 .A92 2008 (LC)
Hirad Abtahi & Philippa Webb, The Genocide Convention: The Travaux Preparatoires (Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2008).

KD1480 .P47 2008 (LC)
J.E. Penner, The Law of Trusts, 6th ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008).

KD2212 .W48 2009 (LC)
Richard Whish, Competition Law, 6th ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009).

KD7521 .D89 2008 (LC)
Déirdre Dwyer, The Judicial Assessment of Expert Evidence (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008).

KD7869 .E45 2008 (LC)
Laurie Elks, Righting Miscarriages of Justice?: Ten Years of the Criminal Cases Review Commission (London: Justice, 2008).

KD7963 .C75 2008 (LC)
C.M.V. Clarkson & Sally Cunningham, eds., Criminal Liability for Non-Aggressive Death (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008).

KE4454 .W36 2008 (LC) Law Reserve
Lorne Waldman, Canadian Immigration and Refugee Law Practice (Markham: LexisNexis, 2008).

KE8809 .A23 2009 (LC)
Jennie Abell, Elizabeth Sheehy & Natasha Bakht, Criminal Law & Procedure: Proof, Defences, and Beyond,4th ed. (Concord: Captus Press, 2009).

KE9260 .D43 2008 (LC)
Ronald Joseph Delisle, Don Stuart & Tim Quigley, Learning Canadian Criminal Procedure, 9th ed. (Toronto: Thomson Carswell, 2008).

KE8809 .L43 2009 (LC) Law Reserve
Don Stuart, Ronald Joseph Delisle, & Steve Coughlan, Learning Canadian Criminal Law, 11th ed. (Toronto: Carswell, 2009).

KF3114 .M84 2006 (LC)
Janice M. Mueller, An Introduction to Patent Law, 2d ed. (New York: Aspen Publishers, 2006).

KF4749 .C583 2009 (LC)
David Dyzenhaus, ed., Civil Rights and Security (Farnham: Ashgate, 2009).

KJC2079 .U53 2009 (LC)
Danny Busch & Laura J. Macgregor, eds., The Unauthorised Agent: Perspectives from European and Comparative Law (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009).

KZ1234 .H64 2008
Marci B. Hoffman & Robert C. Berring, International Legal Research in a Nutshell (St. Paul: Thomson/West, 2008).

KPA540 .Y45 2007 (LC)
Yi Hŭi-bae, Chusŏk kajokpŏp pʻallye yŏnʼgu
註釋 家族法 判例 硏究 / 李 培.
(Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Samjiwŏn, 2007).
(서울 특별시 : 三知院, 2007).

KPA1710 .C47 2008 (LC)
Chʻoe In-sŏn, Chang Han-mun, Pyŏn Kang-nim kongjŏ, Minsa silmu taejŏn : yegyu, chichʻim, pallye, sŏsik, haesŏl, chusŏk
民事實務大典 : 예규, 지침, 판례, 서식, 해설, 주석 / 최인선, 장한문, 변강림 공저.
(Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Paegyŏngsa, 2008).
(서울시: 白映社, 2008).

PR9262.E86 K48 2008
William Deverell, Kill All the Judges (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2008).

E78.C2 D545 2005
Jane Dickson-Gilmore & Carol La Prairie, Will the Circle be Unbroken?: Aboriginal Communities, Restorative Justice, and the Challenges of Conflict and Change (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005).

JC599.A36 A38 2001
Rachel Murray & Malcolm Evans, eds., Documents of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (Oxford: Hart Pub., 2009).

K370 .C58 2008 (LC)
Peter Odell & Chris Willett, eds., Civil Society (Oxford: Hart, 2008).

K370 .S648 2008 (LC)
Malcolm Langford, ed., Social Rights Jurisprudence: Emerging Trends in Comparative and International Law (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008).

K845.F6 G55 2008 (LC)
Lorna E. Gillies, Electronic Commerce and International Private Law: A Study of Electronic Consumer Contracts (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008).

K1519.B54 G64 2009 (LC)
E. Richard Gold & Bartha Maria Knoppers, Biotechnology IP & Ethics (Markham: LexisNexis Canada, 2009).

K3367 .E35 2008 (LC)
Douglas E. Edlin, Judges and Unjust Laws: Common Law Constitutionalism and the Foundations of Judicial Review (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2008).

K3478 .B67 2008 (LC)
Klaus Bosselmann, The Principle of Sustainability: Transforming Law and Governance (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008).

KD7100 .W3 2008 (LC)
Richard Ward & Amanda Akhtar, Walker & Walker’s English Legal System, 10th ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008).

KDC186.A45 G73 2008 (LC)
Michael F. Graham, The Blasphemies of Thomas Aikenhead: Boundaries of Belief on the Eve of the Enlightenment (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2008).

KE5029 .M33 2007 (LC)
Robert W. Macaulay & James L.H. Sprague, Hearings Before Administrative Tribunals (Scarborough: Thomson Carswell, 2007).

KD474 .L39 2008 (LC)
Julian Webb et al., Lawyers’ Skills, 15th ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008).

KE1163.B33 H55 2009 (LC)
Gordon G. Hilliker, Insurance Bad Faith (Markham: LexisNexis, 2009).

KEA543.5 2008 (LC)
Alberta Law Reform Institute, Rules of Court Project ([Edmonton: Alberta Law Reform Institute], 2008).
Online access: http://cfcj-fcjc.org/inventory/reform.php?id=20

KEB349 .M55 2009 (LC)
Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, Mining Law, 2009: Materials Prepared for the Continuing Legal Education Seminar, Mining 2009, Held in Vancouver, BC on March 27, 2009 (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 2009).

KEB478 .M86 2009 (LC)
Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, Municipal Law Basics: Materials Prepared for the Continuing Legal Education Seminar, Municipal Law Basics 2009, Held in Vancouver, BC on April 3, 2009 (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 2009).

KEM371.4 .M36 2008 (LC)
Manitoba Law Reform Commission, Franchise Law (Winnipeg: Manitoba Law Reform Commission, 2008).
Online access: http://www.gov.mb.ca/justice/mlrc/pubs/publications.html

KEO317 .C74 2009 (LC)
Eugene Meehan et al., Creditors’ Remedies in Ontario, 2d ed. (Markham: LexisNexis, 2009).

KD1269 .B375 2009 (LC)
L. Bently and B. Sherman, Intellectual Property Law, 3d ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009).

KF379 .C48 2008 (LC)
George C. Christie & Patrick H. Martin, Jurisprudence: Text and Readings on the Philosophy of Law, 3d ed. (St. Paul: Thomson/West, 2008).

KJW3183.43 .S36 2008 (LC)
Zoë A. Schneider, The King’s Bench: Bailiwick Magistrates and Local Governance in Normandy, 1670-1740 (Rochester: University of Rochester Press, 2008).

KZ6311 .E364 2009
Carsten Stahn & Göran Sluiter, eds., The Emerging Practice of the International Criminal Court (Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2009).

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