K5103 .B78 2009 (LC)
Alan Brudner, Punishment and Freedom: A Liberal Theory of Penal Justice (Oxford: Oxford University Press Inc., 2009).
KE1432 .S44 2009 (LC)
Aird & Berlis, Shareholders’ Agreements : An Annotated Guide, 2d ed. (Aurora: Canada Law Book, 2009).
KE1518.C6 B347 2009 (LC)
David E. Baird, Baird’s Practical Guide to the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act. (Toronto: Carswell, 2009).
KE2779 .I582 2009 (LC)
Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, Intellectual Property for Litigators, 2009 Update: Materials Prepared for the Continuing Legal Education Seminar, Intellectual Property for Litigators 2009, Held in Vancouver, BC, on September 25, 2009 (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 2009).
KE4420 .H34 2009 (LC)
Sheryl N. Hamilton, Law’s Expression: Communication, Law and Media in Canada (Markham: LexisNexis Canada, 2009).
KE8432.P4 P46 2009 (LC)
Law Society of Upper Canada, Personal Injury Law (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2009).
Online access: http://www.myilibrary.com?id=213995
KEB282 .I577 2009 (LC)
Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, Insurance Law Conference, 2009: Materials Prepared for the Continuing Legal Education Conference, Insurance Law Conference, 2009, Held in Vancouver, BC, on September 11, 2009 (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 2009).
KEB555 .M68 2009 (LC)
Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, Motions to Strike: Materials Prepared for the Continuing Legal Education Seminar, Motions to Strike, Held in Vancouver, BC, on November 13, 2009 (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 2009).