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Canada, Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates, Implementation of the Budget Freeze: Report of the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates ([Ottawa]: Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates, 2011).
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Sue Arrowsmith & Robert D. Anderson, eds., The WTO Regime on Government Procurement: Challenge and Reform (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011).

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Emma Cunliffe, Murder, Medicine and Motherhood(Oxford: Hart Pub 2011).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K231 .M375 2011
Andrei Marmor, Philosophy of Law (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2011).

LAW LIBRARY reference room (level 2): K930 .P68 2011
David A. Potts, Cyberlibel: Information Warfare in the 21st Century? (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2010).

LAW LIBRARY reference room (level 2): K953 .W33 2011
S.M. Waddams, Products Liability, 5th ed. (Toronto: Carswell, 2011).

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Tom Campbell, K.D. Ewing & Adam Tomkins, eds., The Legal Protection of Human Rights: Sceptical Essays (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011).

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M. Cherif Bassiouni, Crimes Against Humanity: Historical Evolution and Contemporary Application (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011).

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Chantal Meloni, Command Responsibility in International Criminal Law (The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press, 2010).

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Sir John Baker, English Legal Manuscripts Formerly in the Collection of Sir Thomas Phillipps (London: Selden Society, 2008).

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Mick Woodley, ed., sborn’s Concise Law Dictionary, 11th ed. (London: Sweet & Maxwell/Thomson Reuters, 2009).

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Daniel Greenberg, Stroud’s Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases: Fourth Supplement to the Seventh Edition (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2010).

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John Ross Martyn et al., Theobald on Wills, 17th ed. (London: Sweet & Maxwell/Thomson Reuters, 2010).

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Randal N.M. Graham, Legal Ethics: Theories, Cases, and Professional Regulation (Toronto: Emond Montgomery Publications, 2011).

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Albert H. Oosterhoff, Oosterhoff on Wills and Succession: Text, Commentary, and Materials, 7th ed.(Toronto: Carswell, 2011).

LAW LIBRARY reference room (level 2): KE1232 .O82 2011
Philip H. Osborne, The Law of Torts, 4th ed. (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2011).

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A. Paul Mahaffy, Business Succession Guide,2d ed. (Toronto: Carswell, 2011).

LAW LIBRARY reference room (level 2): KE2779 .V38 2011
David Vaver, Intellectual Property Law: Copyright, Patents, Trade-Marks, 2d ed. (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2011).

LAW LIBRARY reference room (level 2): KE3108.5 .L33 2011
Labour Law Casebook Group, Labour and Employment Law: Cases, Materials and Commentary 8th ed. (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2011).

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Alexandre Tavadian, Statutory, Judicial and Administrative Stays in Immigration Matters (Toronto: Carswell, 2010).

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Lara Friedlander, Taxation of Corporate Finance (Toronto: Carswell, 2011).

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Earl J. Levy, Examination of Witnesses in Criminal Cases, 6th ed. (Toronto: Carswell, 2011).

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Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, Strata Property, 2011 Update: Materials Prepared for the Continuing Legal Education Seminar, Strata Property Update, Held in Vancouver, B.C., on April 28, 2011 (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 2011).

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Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, Commercial Leasing: Arbitration and Remedies: Materials Prepared for the Continuing Legal Education Seminar, Commercial Leasing: Arbitration and Remedies, Held in Vancouver, B.C., on May 6, 2011 (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 2011).

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Allan P. Seckel & James C. MacInnis, British Columbia Supreme Court Rules Annotated (Toronto: Carswell, 2011).

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Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, Small Claims Court, 2011: Materials Prepared for the Continuing Legal Education Seminar, Small Claims Court 2011, Held in Vancouver, B.C., on May 5, 2011 (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 2011).

LAW LIBRARY reference room: KEB560.E8 E95 2011
Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, Expert Evidence in British Columbia Civil Proceedings, 3d ed. (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 2011).

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Janet E. Smith, Cause of Action: Occupiers’ Liability (Toronto: Carswell, 2011).

LAW LIBRARY reference room (level 2): KF562 .B36 2011
Stuart Banner, American Property: A History of How, Why, and What We Own (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2011).

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Miyagawa Shigeo hen, Amerika saikōsai to Rēnkisuto kōto = Rehnquist court and the American judicial tradition
アメリカ最高裁とレーンキスト・コート = The Rehnquist court and the American judicial tradition / 宮川成雄編.
(Tōkyō: Waseda Daigaku Hikakuhō Kenkyūjo: Hatsubaijo Seibundō, 2009).
(東京 : 早稲田大学比較法研究所 : 発売所成文堂, 2009).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KJC6471 .H37 2010
Christopher Harding & Julian Joshua, Regulating Cartels in Europe, 2d ed. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2010).

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Steven Anderman & Hedvig Schmidt, EU Competition Law and Intellectual Property Rights: The Regulation of Innovation, 2d ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011).

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Liu Xiaohong et al., Series on Contemporary Chinese Law: Under the Auspices of the Office of International & Executive Programs, University of Maryland (Eagan: Thomson/West, 2008).

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Kate Parlett, The Individual in the International Legal System: Continuity and Change in International Law (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011).

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Catherine W. Chow, Chinatown Geographies and the Politics of Race, Space and the Law ([Vancouver]: University of British Columbia, 2007).
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Wenwei Guan, Selective Adaptation and Legitimacy: Public-Private Dynamics in China’s Trips Compliance ([Vancouver]: University of British Columbia, 2009).
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Rajbir Singh Grewal, Towards Integrity in Tax Law: The Problem of Form and Substance in Canadian Tax Jurisprudence ([Vancouver]: University of British Columbia, 2008).
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Bernard P. Haggerty, Hate Crime Law & Social Contention: A Comparison of Nongovernmental Knowledge Practices in Canada & the United States ([Vancouver]: University of British Columbia, 2008).
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Jordan William Derek Hauschildt, Redefining Disrepute: Acknowledging Social Injustice and Judicial Subjectivity in the Critical Reform of Section 24(2) of the Charter ([Vancouver]: University of British Columbia, 2008).
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