LAW LIBRARY level 3: K1401 .I55273 2011
Steven Anderman & Ariel Ezrachi, eds., Intellectual Property and Competition Law: New Frontiers (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K3171 .G48 2011
James E. Fleming, ed., Getting to the Rule of Law (New York: New York University Press, 2011).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K4448 .W35 2011
Michael Waibel, Sovereign Defaults before International Courts and Tribunals (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011).

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Austin Sarat, Lawrence Douglas & Martha Merrill Umphrey, eds., Law as Punishment / Law as Regulation (Stanford: Stanford Law Books, 2011).

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Inge Govaere, Reinhard Quick & Marco Bronckers, eds., Trade And Competition Law In The Eu And Beyond (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2011).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K5014.8 .I548 2011
Adam Crawford, ed., International and Comparative Criminal Justice and Urban Governance : Convergence and Divergence in Global, National and Local Settings (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011).

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Orna Alyagon Darr, Marks of an Absolute Witch: Evidentiary Dilemmas in Early Modern England (Farnham: Ashgate Pub., 2011).

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Richard O. Havery, ed., History of the Middle Temple (Oxford: Hart, 2011).

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C.M.V. Clarkson & Jonathan Hill, The Conflict of Laws, 4th ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011).

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Joan Loughrey, Corporate Lawyers and Corporate Governance (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KD4895 .P83 2011
Jason Beer at al., eds., Public Inquiries (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KD7296 .C66 2011
John Cooper, Inquests (Oxford: Hart, 2011).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KD8406.A75 M58 2011
Julian V. Roberts, ed., Mitigation and Aggravation at Sentencing (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KE919 .N44 2011
Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, Negotiating and Structuring Business Transactions with First Nations: Materials Prepared for the Continuing Legal Education Seminar, Negotiating and Structuring Business Transactions with First Nations, Held in Vancouver, B.C., on November 22, 2011 (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 2011).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KEB194 .C438 2011
Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, Children’s Participation in Family Justice, 2011: Materials Prepared for the Continuing Legal Education Seminar, Children’s Participation in Family Justice 2011, Held in Vancouver, B.C., on November 9 and 10, 2011 (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 2011).

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Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, Corporate Governance, 2011 Update: Materials Prepared for the Continuing Legal Education Seminar, Corporate Governance 2011, Held in Vancouver, B.C., on November 17, 2011
(Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 2011).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KEB230 .R48 2011
Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, Residential Real Estate Conference, 2011: Materials Prepared for the Continuing Legal Education Conference, Residential Real Estate Conference 2011, Held in Vancouver, B.C., on December 9, 2011 (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 2011).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KEB421 .E58 2011
Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, Environmental Law: Managing Risk: Materials Prepared for the Continuing Legal Education Seminar, Environmental Law: Managing Risk, Held in Vancouver, B.C., on November 18, 2011 (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 2011).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KEB458 .H843 2011
Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, Human Rights Conference– 2011: Materials Prepared for the Continuing Legal Education Conference, Human Rights Conference 2011, Held in Vancouver, B.C., on November 24 and 25, 2011 (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 2011).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KPT2070 .H37 2011
Andrew Harding & Peter Leyland, The Constitutional System of Thailand: A Contextual Analysis (Oxford: Hart, 2011).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KZ1301 .T74 2010
Malgosia Fitzmaurice, Olufemi Elias & Panos Merkouris, eds., Treaty Interpretation and the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties: 30 Years On (Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2010).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KZ6385 .G55 2011
Alexander Gillespie, A History of the Laws of War (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2011).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KZ6475 .K35 2011
Frits Kalshoven & Liesbeth Zegveld, Constraints on the Waging of War: An Introduction to International Humanitarian Law, 4th ed. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011).

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