Photo by bionicteaching

Fridays: November 20th, 2009 to December 18th, 2009 open till 10:00 pm
Saturdays: November 21st, 2009 to December 19th, 2009 open till 10:00 pm
Sundays: November 22nd, 2009 to December 20th, 2009 open till 10:00 pm

Library will close at 5:00 pm from December 22nd, 2009 – December 24th, 2009

Library will be closed from December 25th, 2009 – January 3rd, 2010

Library will resume normal open hours starting from January 4th, 2010.

law building display 2009 003

There is a new display in foyer of the Law Library, which features photographs of the original army huts through to a rendering of the 2011 home of the Law School. There are people wearing suits while researching in the library with books – not a computer in sight, a student with mutton chops lounging in the bright and pristine interaction area of the current building, and Dean Curtis and students hauling and shelving arm loads of books from the huts to their new home in the north-facing reading room of the 1951 building. You can view it during Law Library hours.

Photo by bionicteaching

Day Hours
Monday – Thursday   8:30 am – 10:00 pm
Friday   8:30 am –   8:00 pm
Saturday 10:00 am –   8:00 pm
Sunday 10:00 am –   8:00 pm

Last year, we canvassed students on several issues, including library hours.   In response to the question, do the library hours meet your needs, 54% responded no.  We reviewed the survey results and adjusted hours for this academic year.  Weekdays, we will open 1/2 hour later in the morning.  Two hours have been added to the end of the day on Friday and Saturday.  In addition, extended exam hours will be in place for the last five weeks of the academic term, rather than the final three weeks.  During these five weeks, the Law Library will be open until 10:00 pm every day.  We hope these enhancements will be of benefit to you.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

UBC Library





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