Ease of Use for Lenora

What immediately came to mind when reading Lenora’s situation was websites like Wix or Weebly, which provide templates that make website creation much more simple but still creates a final product that has a harmonious aesthetic but can be tailored to meet the needs or preferences of the instructor.  Wix doesn’t currently allow offline editing, but it looks like Weebly does – and has a mobile editing option!  So even with her inexperience, she could create a site offline that could then be updated or uploaded when she gets to school with a faster connection.

If uploading and downloading is a problem, I would suggest she use hosting services for files that she could link out of on whatever platform she is using.  So although she would need to upload the file to a cloud somewhere the first time, those who would wish to access them wouldn’t need to but instead access them remotely (e.g. youtube, .pdf, etc.).

I don’t know what kind of cell service she would have available, but using platforms like twitter, facebook, instagram, snapchat etc. could also be a way to connect to her audience (educators but also maybe youth, considering the initiative) that could be done with minimal training on her part but would take advantage of social networking.  That would depend on how connected her audience is, of course, and whether or not they would find that kind of thing valuable.

With these kinds of simpler sites there is also the potential for instructors to engage with the content, should she want it, with widgets that allow comments (like in a blog format).  I think that one of tailored/editable web site platforms she might need to get it going at work one day, but she could create a rhythm that would allow her to build the site when she has time, and update it when she has internet access.

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