Lenora’s anti-bullying resource

I do not feel that creating a website is the way to go for Lenora. In keeping with Bates SECTIONS model, the students needs must be considered. If the material is not culturally relevant to the community it is suppose to service then the content will not help the teachers who in turn will not be helping the students. Secondly, the ease of use of creating the website seems to be barrier for Lenora since she has limited skills in creating a website from scratch. An alternative solution is for link onto the existing Cradleboard resource to create a discussion forum where teachers can share their personal stories and she can reply to them based on the information that she learned from attending the professional development workshop. The discussion can then help to modify the material such that it is more relevant for the community to use. This alternative may be less time consuming and takes advantage of the infrastructure of an existing web resource. If the existing Cradleboard website has been useful to the First Nations community from an access point of view then it makes sense to build upon that resource so that the information is centralized.

Bates, T. (2014). Chapter 8: Choosing and using media in education: the SECTIONS model, Teaching in digital age. (p. 257 – 291). Retrieved from http://opentextbc.ca/teachinginadigitalage/

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