Lenora’s Decision

In order to truly decide what option may be best for Lenora we would need additional information. What type of content is she wanting to house? Is it primarily text based with links to resources? Is she developing the resources herself? Will she want multimedia representations i.e. video, podcasts? Does she want the users to respond to the site or is it for their consumption? Does she have access to IT support through her school? Have other teachers at her school designed websites?

It sounds like she does want it to be interactive as well as information storage which will require versatility and accessibility. From this perspective a website is likely a strong choice. It provides a flexible platform and many web design programs are now available. Weebly, for example, has excellent web tutorials and even with limited technology skills, it is fairly intuitive. It is free and has live online support. Using a website allows her to start small and easily adapt and change the site as needed. Whether she wants to make it private or public is also a consideration for her decision. The people she wants to connect with, will likely be familiar with websites, providing a high level of ease of use.

I am wondering if she can combine tasks to reduce her development time. Perhaps designing a website with her students would fit into her curriculum goals. That way, the students are learning a valuable technology skill in a meaningful way alongside her, making learning visible to all. She would be developing her skills during the school day and using the faster internet provided by the school. She could design any number of activities or tasks for website design with her students. As a class they could view and evaluate other websites to address her concern that she doesn’t know where things would go on a website. The class could each design a site or contribute to a group site, beginning with simple text content, links or photos of student work. They could advance by adding communication tools, blogs, video etc. Lenora, then could be doing the same with her site. As she and her students learn new ways of working with the technology, she can gain this expertise and add elements to her site, minimizing her technical skills learning commitment.

I also am wondering since she is interested in this project, would other teachers also be interested? She is already connected to the Cradleboard group. Could she collaborate and possible co-create the site with other teachers from her school or the Cradleboard group? Are there other similar websites to what she would like to create, that she could add or adapt with her resources? 

Having a strong plan for platform choice is very wise. Sometimes though, the best thing is simply to jump in and try it. See where it takes you. Be like the students and play. Some of the greatest creativity comes out this way.


  1. KD

    I really like the idea of getting kids to help. The teacher that “taught” my son’s high school programming class would often tell the kids to figure some programming language out because they were going to be the ones to teach it to the rest of the class. I am not sure I totally endorse that style, but I do endorse (backed by research) the idea that if you give students real life problems to solve, they will.

    Thanks for the post,


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