Build the Website Lenora!

Lenora should create the website. The dial-up connection shouldn’t be an issue, people made websites back when everyone was on dial up. The issue with that being that she will have to find a way to work around that limitation. There are different ways she could go around making a site. She could use an online drag-and-drop program, which would be the easiest. If she chooses this method then she will not have to worry about buying a domain or sorting out working with an FTP client (this would simplify things tremendously) however, in her situation, this may not be the best choice as those sort of interfaces would require a faster internet connection. She could check herself out some website coding books from the library and write the page by hand to upload, which would be perfect on a slower connection. Unfortunately, this would represent a large time commitment, which seems like poor choice for Lenora. Therefore I feel that the best choice would be to buy or download a software program that would do the coding for her, like Google Web Designer. Depending on her hardware, she could bring her device to the school to download the program.

This type of web design program would allow her to work to design a site with minimal knowledge of coding and she wouldn’t have to use the internet until she uploaded to her server. Programs like these are usually fairly user friendly and she should be able to work through problems she might have.

When designing though, she really needs to think about what her goals are from the beginning. Cradleboard seems to be a one way transmission of knowledge, very simply constructed. Since this resource helped her, is this style something she wants to mimic? Or does she want something that is more two dimensional/ co-constructed? She says she wants to allow

offers of “support and suggestions from other Aboriginal educators and their allies in addressing the particulars of bullying behaviour in band schools”. I feel like the best way to do this would be to give the information she learned from her PD in static pages with categories, and also form some sort of discussion board where teachers can post about bullying issues at their schools and have a network of peer support to help them to come up with solutions.

In the end, I think that a website is the best way for Lenora to go as it offers all of the functionality that she will need and has the potential to be built off-line or through dial-up. I think that initially there will be a significant amount of time required of Lenora to figure out how to create her website through trial and error. There are many helpful resources online and she will be able to tap into her passion for the project when things get tough. Hopefully though, by planning for her end goals from the start, she will design a website that is user maintained and will significantly reduce her workload in the future. Perhaps as one last piece of advice, Lenora should do the bulk of the work over her summer holiday!

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