My experience at UBC

The experience I had at my online masters can be 60% learner-to-content 30% learner-to-learner and 10% learner-to-teacher. Learner-to-content is the majority of my time as the course is an online program I have to self-study and engage with the content through research, reading, and building content. The online environment also allows for peer-to-peer engagement through chat, discussion boards, and other types of collaborations. Usually in the online environment the teacher is not always present and the engagement is limited with the learner.

Anderson, T. (2008a). Towards a theory of online learning. In T. Anderson & F. Elloumi (Eds.), Theory and practice of online learning. Edmonton AB: Athabasca University. Retrieved from


  1. Hi Nidal,
    what about assessment? Have you found any type of assessment that was particularly building on your own knowledge and helped you grow?
    What about your own teaching? How do you create your learning environments? Do you notice a pattern in the way you teach and preference to one of the “-centred” approaches?

    1. The assessment I found useful is the one that provides feedback on assignments that are practical such as building a website to teach a course. It actually gives me as a learner a constructive approach where I learn from my experience. I do not believe in participation grades yet I understand that we need to put a motivator for learners to engage. I usually do not teach. I give lectures to teachers on technology and how to use it in education. I prefer to blend the environment but getting learners to engage with some content prior the lecture and continue throughout the lecture. I usually ask them to visit a website and they can find some material that they can read and also they can start introducing themselves and get to know each other before they come to the lecture. The environment is usually groups with laptops and assignments after each topic. The teams compete. I noticed the pattern of learning-centric which is clearer than learner-centric because obviously you cannot separate the four methods by Anderson and they are all connected.

  2. Hi Nidal,
    An interesting conversation is going on about cultural differences, as a response to Edwin’s posting. Would you mind jumping in and giving us your perspective as a student in this program not only with a different cultural background, but also living in a non-Canadian, non-North American environment. How do you find programs designed in Canadian higher education go against or align with your own ways of teaching and learning? What challenges do you experience?

    I started taking online courses while I lived in Serbia in 1997/8 and they were really a cultural shock for me. The first barrier was the language, of course, but there was a lot in addition to that. Since then, the internet has become a way of living and interacting, so I would assume there have been more opportunities for people to engage in formal or informal learning.

    I would like to hear what a program like this, developed and designed in a different culture, brings to you.


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