learning outcomes & re-design

It is very interesting how teachers use twitter. Not only to engage with their students yet to engage with teachers and to learn form their peers. I follow a few #s that are very useful and they do live discussions. I recommend following them:

#aussieED #edchat #edtech #edchatnz #ukedchat #digitaledchat

Social media can extend the learning beyond the classroom time and space. It also allows learners to see how they can learn while using social media. Students learn from within their environment and today social media is the new environment. It is our responsibility to enrich it with enquiry driving students to seek knowledge from within this environment.

I would redesign the course around social media. The assessment will include social media (such as participation) and group discussions can be done on twitter under a specific # with a discussion facilitator to manage the questions flow. I would also post the accomplishment of the students on social media so they can share it and be proud of their work.

November, A. (2012). How Twitter can be used as a powerful educational tool. November Learning [Weblog] Retrieved from http://novemberlearning.com/educational-resources-for-educators/teaching-and-learning-articles/how-twitter-can-be-used-as-a-powerful-educational-tool/

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