I remember when I first joined MET in one of my first courses I read “MindStorm” (Papert, 1980). I was shocked when I knew how old this book is and how futuristic Papert was! It is very sad how slow the educational system adapts technology. Until today a few schools teach code to their students as a mandatory subject. Even though programming means: project-based learning, applied math, creativity, and lifelong learning skills.
My vision to the future is a unified edtch. Students will master writing code and different programmable products both hardware and software will emerge. Learners will be building learning as they learn. Web 2.0 will become Web 0. which means that people or young people or learners are capable of building environments from scratch “Zero” and make their own rules for their environments. We can see that in trends today such as the dark web. Why unified. Because if we look at the telecom industry it is now in the unified communication era. Which means that all products software and hardware talk together. We also saw that recently with gaming when Xbox now connects with PS4. This force coming from the end-users requesting more open communication pushes competitors to work together on a common base to connect their solutions and respond to the end-user requests. So Unified edtech means that any piece of software or hardware connects together in a way. The future is people becoming producers all over again as they were once planting the earth and eating from their own farms. Yet now its technology as the seed
Papert, S. (1980). Mindstorms: Children, computers, and powerful ideas. New York: Basic Books.
Hi Nidal,
Thanks for the interesting posting. I was also reminded of Papert’s work while I was completing the readings for this week. It’s amazing that his work, written decades ago, is still relevant and powerful in 2016. I referred to his work “Twenty Things to do with a Computer” (1971) in my posting for this week. I feel that this document, written over 40 years ago, gives us plenty to evaluate and reflect upon as 21st century educators. Have you had the opportunity to read it?
– Allen.
Thank you Allen for the comment. I would love to read “Twenty Things to do with a Computer” . I will put it on my to-do-list 🙂