More Challenges Than I’d Anticipated

This was an incredibly frustrating assignment. I love creating digital stories (for my own purposes) but for this assignment, there seemed to be no end to the challenges I encountered. I first used a tool that I have used before, but it was not a format that could be uploaded to the blog (or later to the Moodle). I then chose another online tool that I had never used before, but when the story was finally created (with all photos uploaded, and audio commentary provided) I found that that last step of posting it online could not be completed. A little online research indicated that this “glitch” had been occurring since 2013 and had not been addressed as far as I could tell.

I did contemplate creating a (paid) subscription to another DS tool, but decided against doing that on principle (since I wouldn’t be using it again in the near future).

I finally created a DS using PhotoPeach. While this tool was easy to use, there were some challenges. Once a story is created, any subsequent revisions did not show up in subsequent downloads. I had to completely erase the original story and create a new one to incorporate the changes I needed. This tool also included the option for audio, but in this case it was music that did not enhance the story in any way, so I decided not to use it.

On of the other roadblocks I encountered, had to do with the Moodle site. I spent time trying to upload the various DS I created onto the my Moodle site (to ensure there was compatibility). I was not able to upload any version of what I’d created to the site. I am hoping that I will be able to eventually do this eventually.

So what have I learned through this process? The answer is mostly a reinforcement of something I already know as an educator – be clear about the goal(s) of an assigned activity. If the goal is to have students learn about DS tools, then explicitly exploring the pros and cons of different tools is helpful. In this case, I have learned more about various tools through trial and error (but this could have been even more effective if a more collaborative approach to an assignment such as this had been taken). However, if the goal is to help students tell the story, then it is useful to have some vetted sites named specifically, ensuring that they are all compatible with other tech they have to interact with.  A final note – this activity could have been a much more enjoyable experience if I hadn’t encountered so many road blocks. It finally got to the point where I cared less about learning, and the product I was creating than just “getting the assignment done”. It reminds me to think about how I structure learning activities for students so that their stress level does not interfere with their learning.



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