Assignment 4: Reflection and future plans

I always find it interesting to look back at my goals from the beginning of the course and reflect on what I have accomplished during these last 13 weeks. I had many goals this course and they were:

  • learn about LMS in general
  • Develop my own expectations for what I want in an ideal LMS
  • Create a course/module in a LMS
  • Use the skills I learned and apply them to my current environment
  • Learn skills and obtain tools that will help incorporate more creativity into my lessons
  • Model digital age works and learning for my students
  • Take away as much as I can from my peers

I believe I have accomplished many of these goals through this course. I certainly learned about LMS and specifically I learned how to use Moodle. Learning how to use Moodle through making a mock course was very effective, as learning was situated in the environment in which it was meant to be used (Brown, Collins & Duguid, 1989). Not only did this help to learn how to use Moodle, but it was also instrumental in my development as an educator. It helped me think about how I wanted to structure the course and how I wanted to assess what was learned in the course. It made me reflect on my pedagogical beliefs, and how I would incorporate that into an online environment, restricted by the affordances of Moodle.

Working within Moodle helped me to develop my ideas of what I would want in an ideal LMS. For example, from a course editing perspective, I found the chart function not as user friendly as other programs such as Microsoft Word. I also found importing of images to be slightly cumbersome and would ideally like less steps each time I import images. I would also like to make the process of linking pages easier (through hyperlink). Perhaps it was my inexperience with the program which caused my inefficiency but once I hyperlinked one page, and gave it a title, it would be nice if linking it again would be an easier process. I found I had to cut and paste the link each time which was time consuming. I wish moving around module was an easier process, such as a drag and drop. In this version, I had to make my own graphic interface but I wish there was an easier method to do this. I think my expectations for LMS could be further developed if I had the opportunity to be a student using Moodle. I had a chance to look at courses developed by my peers using Moodle, but experiencing a whole course would give me a whole different perspective.

However, I was able to experience Connect and UBC blog as a student, and this also gave me some ideas. For example, I really liked the way the discussion forum was laid out in Connect compared to the blog site. I feel this had a direct impact on my motivation to read each post. I found it easy to look at discussions and reply in Connect whereas the blog made it more cumbersome. Once I read a discssuion thred in the blog site, I found it more difficult to get back to the posted page to look at another post. I also liked the video collaborate session, though my audio/video kept cutting out. I`m not sure if it was a connection problem on my end or an issue with the LMS. I liked the alyout of the blog site over Connect. I found it easy to move from one module to the next and the badge system was an added bonus and motivator. I also really liked getting RSS and mobile access with the blog. Based on my experience, I would like an LMS that has the following:

  • user friendly chart function (especially sizing and outlining of the chart)
  • More drag and drop
  • Easy to import and use images (perhaps with citing images built in so it’s entered once and will appear on the website)
  • Easy to hyperlink existing course pages
  • Easy to make GUI
  • Well laid out discussion forum
  • Video/audio collaborative session activity function
  • Visually appealing interface that’s easy to navigate
  • Mobile compatible
  • RSS feed feature
  • Plus all features already built into Moodle

From a course development perspective, I gained an appreciation for the importance of assessments. Given that student learning is most influenced by assessments, I will place a lot more effort on this aspect of my teaching (Gibbs & Simpson, 2005). This includes the incorporation of frequent, useful feedback as well as group based projects.

Bates` SECTIONS criteria was also a valuable tool I learned and used during this course, which I will surely use during my academic career (2014). The act of reflection and use of this tool during this course has critical in proving its usefulness and practicality.

I am a commited life long learner, both in medicine and education. I will continue my education in Ed Tech by  engaging in my remaining ETEC courses and by learning from my peers. As mentioned by many students in this course, I have found very useful information on Ed Tech through social media. I plan to continue to read these feeds to further my education in this field. Furthermore, as I have taken on a bigger role at our medical school as a course coordinator, I will participate both at a local level and national level in medical education planning. This in turn will lead to  will continued learning in Ed Tech that is specific to my field of interest.

I believe that simulation will be a large component in medical education in the upcoming years. Therefore, I plan to further my knowledge in this area as well. I am conisdering a course out of McMaster University for this purpose. Of course, I think I will wait until I complete my MET courses first. Other technologies I am interested in are differnt forms of digital media. This course, including experiences of my classmate, has opened my eyes to the pedagogical possibilities of differnt forms of media and I hope to become familiar with them by using them and incorporating them into my classes. I think using them for my projects and classroom activities is the best way to learn to use these varied resources.

As mentiond earlier, I am now a course coordinator for our undergraduate medical program. Our course has much to improve upon as it is rated quite poorly compared to other courses. I am hoping to use what I learned from this course to make improvements. Specifically, I would like to include more team-based learning activities, frequent formative assessments and feedback, and incorporate differnt forms of digital media. I believe this will lead to a greater level of engagement, and help with student learning. I plan to make substantial changes to the current form of assessment, which is single best answer multiple choice examination. I do not think this form of assessment achieves the learning outcomes I am looking for, which is higher order thinking skills specific to our field. None of our patients come to see us with a list of possible diagnoses of which we choose the best one, so why should our students be assessed in this manner? I will be making these changes this summer and starting the course in October of this year. I am exctied that I have an opportunity to apply what I have learned. I am aware that this will be an evolving process, in which my course will change from year to year as I gain more experience and recieve feedback from the students. I am hopeful that the changes I make will be in the positive direction and will help my students become competent physicians.

I would like to take a moment to thank everyone in this course. I have learned immensly from their experiences and discussions. I find that my learning is takne to another level because they share their experiences with me through the course discussion forum. Finally, I find the level of engagement by Natasha to be another aspect of the course that I apprecite greatly and feel that it deserves mention. I have found that in some of my other ETEC courses, my instructors did not have the teaching presence that Natasha gave us and this added greatly to my learning experience.




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