Assignment 3 Reflection

I had a really interesting time working on Assignment 3 along with the digital story. Since my course subject matter is so heavily multimedia focused, I found it very topically relevant to read some of the readings for this course at the time that I was creating the course content. The two readings that stood out for me the most were Ciampa (2013) and Siemens (2003).

I knew going into Assignment 2 that I was going to try and make the course easily accessible and hopefully fun. There are so many After Effects videos and tutorials on the Internet that I wanted to create some structure that would work better for people that weren’t as organized or proactive. Despite what Spiro (2014) claims about the self-directedness of learners now, I know that having too much information can be just as troublesome when trying to learn something. So I decided to provide content for directed learning.

Ciampa’s (2013) writings on the motivation of students really struck home with me and I tried to include those reflections into creating the content module for this course. That was primarily the reasoning for the topic of my digital story. I wanted to create an educational video that would hopefully motivate them to stick with the course and give them a positive starting point. Since all professionals started with no skills or knowledge, I felt that the digital story could parallel their own learning path throughout the course.

While I was building out the content I really took notice at what information I was trying to deliver to the students and the best possible media to use for that. Through reading Siemen’s piece on media characteristics I spent quite a while thinking about how else I could deliver this information about my course content. The subject revolves around video, so that is what I went with but I had a fun time trying to think about unique ways I might be able to teach people about after effects. I think if I had more time and energy I could have come up with something fairly unique.

Ciampa, K. (2013). Learning in a mobile age: An investigation of student motivation. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 30(1), 82–96. Retrieved from

Siemens, G. (2003). Evaluating media characteristics: Using multimedia to achieve learning outcomes. Elearnspace. Retrieved from

Spiro, K. (2014). 5 elearning trends leading to the end of the Learning Management Systems. Retrieved from

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