Inside the mind of Benoit….

The question that I feel that Benoit should be asking himself is the following:
Based on my own experience with web design, content development and technical skills with learning technologies what level of IT support do I need?

Importance: This question will allow him to determine whether his 5 hours per week that he can commit to making the online course will be able to used most effectively. If he does not need to rely on much IT support than each hour he works on the course should be an efficient use of his time but if he requires more IT support and historically the Help Desk is difficult to reach and he is always having to wait for email responses than his time is being wasted.

In terms of how much development time Benoit would need to develop the Business Writing online version I am not particularly sure how to allocate time for each tasks. I can start by identify tasks that need to be completed and defer to my group members for their insights. Benoit will need to:
– transfer the content from the old shell of WebCT Vista
– review the learning objectives of course
– decide the interactions that are most appropriate to develop the skills outline in learning objectives
– create the activities, discussion spaces and assessment tools
– review site for ease of use

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