First attempt at eLearning

  1. I think that Benoit must ask – Which platform has the most potential to grow and evolve? Knowing that the initial setup of the class will take time (no matter which platform is chosen), the course will most definitely change as it is taught. As new features/requirements become available how easily will Benoit be able to modify his course and integrate new features/technologies. While human nature may guide us to choose the path of least resistance it is often my looking ahead (2-5 years in this case) that may provide us with the best answer. Unfortunately I have little experience with both platforms, but from the description is seems that Moodle was given a more favourable description.
  2. 2. I feel that Benoit could probably create the shell of a class in 3-4 weeks. If he has all his resources in an electronic format and has the layout for the course then creating modules and posting resources should not be too difficult. Once this initial setup is complete, it would probably take another 3-4 weeks to review each module, introduce Discussion forums, create online submission features and assessment forms. This would add asynchronous features to the course and bring it inline with other eLearning experiences. If Benoit then attempts to include synchronous communication (like Skype sessions or other Video conferencing applications) this would extend this period.

My belief is that it will take Benoit one full term to actually finalize the course of study. One he has delivered the material in an online format and experienced the course in a live environment with actual students and the problems that occur during the first attempt, he will be able to evaluate the success of each module, and modify the expectations and requirements of his students. Just as in a f2f classroom, constant self-evaluation is required to ensure that we offer the best learning experiences for our students.

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