Ready Platforms

I think Lenora needs to use an existing website that focuses on the bullying subject. She can have a branch where she can relate to the community. It is even better because such portals already have traffic of visitors. The portal visitors from her community will find her resource relevant and will start engaging with the content she provides. This is very useful because Lenora will not have to spend a lot of time designing a website (even on weebly or wordpress) which will require bandwidth to upload content. She can simply link and tag resources that she finds relevant. I suggest she drives traffic to her branch of the portal by creating a tweeter account that addresses the bullying issue relevant to her community. This tweeter account can engage people to follow tweets, #, and mention her in any relevant resource found online. it also can be used to create live chats sessions between people and increase engagement. other social media platform can also be used to connect users to her branch of the portal such as: Facebook, instagram, snapchat…and more. All can be manage from the phone or the web which increases Lenora access to her audience and allow her to respond and engage with them on the go.

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