Group 1: Online Delivery Platform Evaluation Rubric for BCcampus

Assignment 1: Online Delivery Platform Evaluation Rubric

Group 1 – BCcampus

Danielle Couture, Keri Fleming, Edwin Fong, Parmdip Gill, Colleen Huck


BCcampus is a publicly-funded agency that offers “teaching, learning, and educational technology support“ to the 25 post-secondary institutions in British Columbia and one in the Yukon.  As part of its shared services, BCcampus has been running two LMS platforms; one open-sourced (Moodle) and the other vendor based (D2L) whose contract will expire shortly.  With current restructuring, BCcampus will be losing half of its tech support team in three months, and therefore the possibility of running two separate LMS platforms is no longer an option.  BCcampus will need to decide which LMS they wish to proceed with across the board.  However, as BCcampus is known for its leadership in innovation, they are open to the idea of selecting an entirely new platform. As employees at BCcampus, we have been asked to create an evaluation rubric to help the BCcampus leadership team in the decision making process.  We have designed the rubric to help select a LMS that will fit with the needs, the vision and the mandate of BCcampus: “to connect, collaborate and innovate“. The selection process must also recognize the LMS’ ability to conform and adapt to the geographically and culturally diverse needs of BCcampus’ partner institutions and the thousands of post-secondary students across the country.

Please find our rubric and rationale in attachment

Assignment 1 Rubric for BCcampus (précis, rubric, rationale)

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