Assignment 1 – Reflections – Nidal Khalifeh

Working with groups without having a face-to-face experience is not easy. It was a challenge to know if I was providing what was expected form me. I enjoyed the task, as LMS is my main concern these days, and I wanted to know what is relevant and important when people evaluate an LMS. The case was a special one and not a regular LMS would solve the problem. Therefor the rubric needs to address those challenges.

My IT background made me suggest that the LMS must support the BYOD approach (Bring Your Own Device), which means that LMS must be cloud and support multi platforms while runing on mobile phones & tablets. I also knowing the challenges of integration and migration of different softwares so I suggested that the LMS must comply with the Ed-Fi standard which offers a standard for developers who build educational software and allow seamless integration and communication between such softwares. Security and privacy are now a major concern. SSL encryption and the Student Privacy Pledge can help in guaranteeing a level of security to the system.

Cavoukian, A. (2013). BYOD: (bring your own device) is your organization ready? Retrieved from:

Ed-Fi Alliance. (2012). Ed-fi-powered student information system vendors poised for new ed-tech market opportunities and growth. Retrieved from:

Hope, J. (2015). Obama pledges student privacy protection in state of the union address. Enrollment Management Report, 18(12), 8-8. DOI: 10.1002/tsr.30038

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