Boris needs to get gaming

Boris’ students would benefit from an educational game, such as a matching exercise that would help students make the correct associations within the periodic table. Games are great because they can be reused again and again until the student masters the material. They are more fun than traditional review exercises and are often suitable for rote memorization of basic learning materials.

The downside is that most LMSs don’t have the capacity to build games within the system. However, Boris could always create it on an external program and then upload it or the link into Moodle.The periodic table is such a basic science concept, that there must be existing games out there that Boris can use without needing to spend the time creating his own.

He could then have his student play the game, and then take a quiz which he builds inside the LMS to assess their learning. If students give incorrect answers, they could be redirected automatically to appropriate course material. Knowing which questions were missed would indicate to Boris what areas are still problematic and require review.

Playing educational games isn’t likely as motivating as playing Minecraft, but perhaps some incentives could be added. The students with the best or fastest scores could get the privilege of skipping the review class, which they obviously wouldn’t need anyway. In Grade 11, that would have been enough to motivate me! LOL.

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