Digital story

Sorry, I did not think to post here, and only posted in Connect.

Every year, I great dulled eyed students already dreading the memorization and work to be completed in the grade 10 science class.  Truth be told, I teach a special branch of science, applied science, a more hands on approach to the traditional science.  Yet often the students are placed in my class because they failed “traditional” science;  so in short, I end up with people who are tired of science, who find it boring and have very little self confidence in the subject matter. While other teachers start the year running with the periodic table, I prefer to introduce the true nature of science to my students through a short mini lesson on anecdotes about science; what is currently going on, how science can save your life.  Obviously the examples usually turn around the funny, the weird and the impossible, yet it renews their intrigue for science.  The second class, students arrive smiling and have an ambition to learn.

Transferring my love of learning and of science to an online community is much more difficult than doing so in person. I wanted to come up with a way that I could still entertain the students and spark an interest.  Seeing as I did not want to simply record the lesson, I wanted to place it into a funny context of mad science, inspired by a student stating that I would make an awesome mad scientist (I am not too sure if it was a compliment but I will take it that way).  I did not want something cold or static; I wanted to create something that represented who I am. I also saw it fit to end the digital story with the poem that always adorns one of my class walls “Here’s to the Crazy ones”.  It sums up beautiful what I want students to take away from my course and from the education system in general; anyone can change the world and that you do not need to fit into a box to succeed.

I created the video using a combination of Powtoon and PowerPoint to animate and embed the pictures.  I also used capture.  The main issue that I had while making the video was the audio.  My apartment is currently situated between the elevator shaft and the ventilation system, needless to say my microphone picks up on the low rumble.  I used audacity to reduce the background noise as best as I could.

I truly enjoyed creating thsi digital story I hope that you will enjoy watching it.

Thank you


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