LMS Introductory Module
Choose a course you are going to work on in ETEC 565A. The best choice is to select a course you already teach, or at least a topic you are familiar with. The most meaningful work will be if you spend your time on designing and developing content or activities that you can use later on, when this course is over. Make a decision about the LMS platform: Moodle or Connect. Let your instructor know about your decision.
I would recommend you work on designing a fully online course. I have nothing against a blended course either, but it will be harder for me to assess it. It will require a lot of guessing on my part about the classroom time, and it may result in a lower grade because of the “missing” parts.
A significant component of your score on the LMS assignments relates to the calibre of your course design (including level of sophistication, overall look and feel, and how user-friendly the site is).
The best way to approach this first task of your course design is to think about all the information you would like your students to get on the first class of the course. What would be helpful for them to know? How would you communicate with them?
Check the full description of the assignment and all the requirements in the Course Orientation in the LMS (Connect).
Post your reflection upon your experience completing this assignment under Assignments and Tasks/Assignment #2. Be sure to cite relevant literature to support your pedagogical decisions, specifically related to creating questions. Remember to assign it to a category Assignment 2.
This assignment is worth 25 marks, or 25% of your final course grade.
Assignment #2 reflection
Assignment #2 Reflection
Assignment 2 Reflection
Assignment 2 Reflection
Assignment #2 Reflection
Assignment #2 Reflexion
Assignment 2 Reflection
Assignment #2 Reflection
The maze of Moodle module development.
Assignment 2 Reflection
Reflection to Intro Module
Cracking the Code
My LMS Experience
First Kick at a Moodle Class
Assignment 2 – Intro. Module Reflection
Assignment 2: moodle reflection
Assignment 2 – Reflection
Moodle Course Introductory Module Reflection
Reading Moodle
Reflection on Moodle Introductory module
Assignment #2: Simple Machines for Science 5 (Intro)