Assignment #4

Final Synthesis Reflection

A final ePortfolio synthesis reflection, posted in the Sythesis page including a:

  • 1-2 paragraph précis of your flight path;
  • Substantive, comprehensive and detailed reflection about your overall ETEC 565A experience;
  • Substantive, comprehensive and detailed reflection about next steps for you, in terms of your practice in educational technology, which could include what technologies you hope to explore moving forward, or how you plan on engaging as a lifelong learner in terms of educational technology;
  • Be sure to cite relevant literature;
  • Your final synthesis should be as detailed as possible, thus there is not word limit.

This assignment is worth 10 marks, or 10% of your final course grade.


Final Reflection

Posted by: seanturn on September 12, 2016 @12:32 pm.


Posted by: Parm Gill on April 3, 2016 @11:36 pm.

Final Synthesis – ETEC 565A – Véronique Brunet

Posted by: Véronique Brunet on April 3, 2016 @9:35 pm.

Final Reflection

Posted by: kimd on April 3, 2016 @9:08 pm.


Posted by: Mark Viola on April 3, 2016 @1:56 pm.


Posted by: jchrona on April 2, 2016 @11:32 pm.

ETEC565A Synthesis

Posted by: patrick conlan on April 2, 2016 @8:24 pm.

Final Synthesis-ETEC565A-TWalsh

Posted by: Tanya Walsh on April 2, 2016 @5:28 pm.

Assignment #4 Final Synthesis

Posted by: jwgourley on April 2, 2016 @5:14 pm.

My last MET post ever!!!

Posted by: rrtoronto on April 2, 2016 @3:51 pm.

Assignment 4: Final Synthesis Reflection

Posted by: Colleen Huck on April 2, 2016 @2:36 pm.

Final Synthesis Reflection

Posted by: Allen Wideman on April 1, 2016 @11:24 pm.

The Last Post

Posted by: Keri Fleming on April 1, 2016 @10:41 pm.

Just the Beginning…

Posted by: Danielle Couture on April 1, 2016 @2:15 pm.

Final ePortfolio Synthesis Reflection

Posted by: Amber Dumouchel on April 1, 2016 @9:22 am.

Meghan’s final synthesis

Posted by: Meghan Gallant on April 1, 2016 @7:19 am.

Assignment 4

Posted by: nidal khalifeh on April 3, 2016 @10:18 am.

Reflection and synthesis of my experience within ETEC565

Posted by: Kate Willey on March 31, 2016 @5:04 pm.

Assignment 4: Reflection and future plans

Posted by: momoe on March 29, 2016 @1:33 am.

Assignment #4: Final Synthesis Reflection

Posted by: heatherwoodland on March 28, 2016 @1:21 am.

Final synthesis

Posted by: edwin on March 27, 2016 @9:48 am.

ETEC 565A – Victoria’s Final Synthesis

Posted by: Victoria Olson on March 28, 2016 @1:37 pm.